Cecil Hinkson my good man, Carnival without "Pan / Steel Band" is "NOT" Carnival, with out our "bamboo tamboo" and "dus bin" band's parading the streets, Carnival would not have evolved, Carnival derived / obtained from our "Black African French and Spanish" ancestors, where their "Shango" drums was outlawed, as the dancing from the drums scare the slave masters, who thought the dances was a " War dance", but instead it was a dance of spititual en-lightenment, our ancestors proceeded with the "bamboo trunks to evolve the bamboo tamboo" and continue their dancing, the slave masters started doing the same dancing, only in their ballroom with mask on their faces, so our ancestor decided to take it too the street's, where the masters also tried too out law it, but it was too little to late, too much negro/niggers to handle, so the bamboo tamboo, the dus bin, tin pans, costic soda pan's' the biscuit drums, and later the 55 gal steel drum's, so "Carnival Monday" is my choice for the steel bands to do their THING, drop their bombs etc, there U have it Cecil...
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LMJ, What's it with the History lesson? You are correct, Carnival without the steelband is not Carnival, but where are the steelbands in Carnival today? My choice of Tuesday steelband only is because it's the only way the steelband can benefit from the mas playing population, 40-50% of those that played in a panty and bra band Monday will play with a steelband Tuesday, why? because it's all there is. As it is today Steelbands will not attract the numbers if it was Monday pan only. Another factor is, Pan is big J'ouvert morning, it will be difficult for them to come back on road in the afternoon. I know the history of the steelband, my interest lies in trying the bring back steelband on the road, rolling on the ground.