Well, well, well. What can I say? This story has its own "moral" (for lack of a more appropriate word). Politics does make for some strange bedfellows, and this is just another example of "doing ANYTHING (or in this case ANYONE) for money. If that isn't prostitution, then I don't know what is. So, we have a society, where the ends justify the means, and MONEY can buy ANYONE! It is unfortunate that many on this WST forum, believe that "politics" and "culture" in Trinidad & Tobago are not interconnected, or that the former does not influence the latter, whether positively or negatively. Of ALL the songs? "SHE'S ROYAL"? I'm sorry, but when did Trinidad & Tobago become a monarchy? What makes KPB so "royal"? Has there EVER been a prime minister to receive this kind of coronation? Maybe a QUEEN TERMITE, who, will devour her own kind, after being fattened by the loyal worker. So, obviously, this calyposnian was "royally" pimped, just like Pan Trinbago was solicited into pimping Panorama. Do you agree or disagree? Is the steelband movement really separate and unaffected by politics? I do not think so, based on the historical evidence. You can come to your own conclusions. I leave you with one of the comments from an Express reader. GREAT BLOW JOB, SUGAR ALOO (PIE)! Yuh mout' sweet like sugar!!! I am sure that the PM and her PP (Punjab Party), will be getting multiple orgasms from your great performance. Who you going to go down on next? Hope it's all worth it; for you are selling your soul to the Devil (the "King" of this wicked system), and his nepotistic bride - QUEEN KAMLA PERSAD BISSESAR! All hail the QUEEN!!!
GHOST - Who Talks To Prostitutes and Whores. Like Michael "Sugar Aloo Pie" Osuana.
"Aloes never understood his significance in the African community.He stood as a symbol of resistance against those who wanted to dominate the Africans.Many bury their heads in the sands and pretend there is not a push by some in this Government to put their group on top.Aloes was a voice for the voiceless. He gave the people some relief in the shows to laugh off their frustrations.But I have lost faith in these Icons from the steelbandsmen who became a set of beggars under Arneaud and now Diaz, to the baptists looking to bless and kowtow under the queen to get a handout, to Chalkie trying to muzzle Cro-Cro when he was Director of Culture and singing a lot of powder puff songs playing clever with nonsense ,to Lasse and Griffith.It is very sad .It reminds me of slavery days where to get a better old pants and some more breadfruit the black overseer would beat his people without mercy.We lack pride in ourselves.I remember the cricketers going to eat a food in Apartheid South Africa.They hold a lot of young African men in the SOE and throw them in Jail just to let them go because of lack of due process.They have a lot of criminals of other races ,the big boy in the drugs and gun running relaxing easy .There is a lot of bitterness in the African community and there is this man pretending he is an Orisha devotee looking for a food between people who has only contempt for him." againstscamps.
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Trinidad and Tobago is growing-up 50 years as a nation, I have been defusing race talk on the forum for the last 2 years because of what I have been seeing in Trinidad & Tobago everyday. Sat Maharaj only get some play on WST, nobody on Radio, TV talk about Sat in Trinidad & Tobago.
What Sugar Aloes did by appearing on the PP platform and the kind of politics practicing by the COP & MSJ T&T is heading to be a unified country.
"In Trinidad there are no racism between African and Indian. The difference are in the culture - one race save their money and the other spend what they do not have." Terry Samuel.
Are you willing to apologize for this racist statement, so we can believe that you're are not racist, as we would like to? Or, do you also agree with Sat Maraj's statement that we (i.e. people who look like me) "beat pan" and "allyuh" does "beat book"? Also, doesn't this statement admit that there are (in fact) "African" and "Indian" in Trinidad? Why, when I use the terms, I am told there are no such people? Thanks, "Lady Liberty".
GHOST - Who Is A Born And Bred Citizen Of The Republic Of Trinidad & Tobago, And A Registered (Undecided) Voter, Who WILL Be Voting The Next Trinidad & Tobago General Election!!!
Despite picong from People’s National Movement (PNM) supporters and some his colleagues in the calypso fraternity, Michael Osuna (Sugar Aloes) again mounted a People’s Partnership (PP) platform on Saturday at the party’s second anniversary rally at Old Market Square in Sacrborough, Tobago.
To the music of the song, “She’s Royal,” a smiling Osuna appeared on the stage around 10.30 pm to the delight of PP supporters who waited patiently to see the performance of the veteran entertainer.
Dressed in white, the dapper calypsonian said although he dedicated the song to Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, it was also a tribute to women.
“I want to dedicate it to this special lady here. But I also want to dedicate the song to all beautiful women in the world,” he said, amid cheers from supporters. Osuna, who has won the National Calypso Monarch title on several occasions, drew the ire of many in the calypso world on May 24, when he appeared on the PP’s platform during the party’s second anniversary celebration at Mid-Centre Mall in Chaguanas. Prior to that, he had long been a vocal critic of the PP, particularly Persad-Bissessar.
Aloes admitted then that he had thrown out a proposal to the Government, the Opposition PNM and the business fraternity, seeking land for the tent he manages, Calyso Revue. .
And while a decision has not officially been made on the proposal, Aloes noted that the Government had pledged its assistance to the project.
Aloes said he was also willing to perform at functions to celebrate this country’s 50th anniversary of independence. Since his May 24 appearance, Aloes has faced much criticism, so much so that many persons have vowed to ridicule him at future competitions or events
As Osuna sang on Saturday night, Persad-Bissessar, Works and Infrastructure Minister Jack Warner, Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP) leader Ashworth Jack and Legal Affairs Minister Prakash Ramadhar rose to their feet and swayed to the tune.
They were later joined by the Prime Minister’s husband Dr Gregory Bissessar, San Fernando Mayor Marlene Coudray and others.
During Aloes’ performance, Persad-Bissessar waved a miniature national flag and one bearing the symbol of the TOP. Aloes was later whisked away from the stage by Gary Griffith, National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister.
Wrong, as usual. It deteriorated when you chose to disrespect me and my efforts on this WST site. Regardless of your opinion, I have the freedom to focus on whatever I feel is important, just as you have the right. When I came on, yourself, Cecil Hinkson and a few of you immediately started with your insulting sarcasm, and open, unapologetic apathy for the pain I expressed, which, if ANY of you were "GODLIKE", would have understood, and, instead of attempting to scar my image, and make me some laughing stock on WST, you all could have shown some compassion, appreciation, and common human decency. So I realized what I was up against, and EVERYTHING from that point that I posted, I backed up with evidence. Again, if I, as the LION, I will ALWAYS be, find myself among a pack of laughing (literally) hyenas, I expect to take some, but I will also give some. You all referred to me as "boy", not understanding the "racist" connotations to the word, and have labeled me the "ANGRY BLACK RACIST NATIONALIST", which is also the stereotypical title given to ANY Black Man or Black Woman who asserts their African heritage (including those we gave to the Caribbean: calypso, reggae, pan, etc.) into their identity and "consciousness". Hang on, I will post the racist statements that you made, which, as you witnessed, offended MANY WST members who are of Afrcan descent, yet you NEVER apologized. You NEVER have. EVERYONE will also see that, once I know I was wrong I ALWAYS apologize, for I see NO weakness in being wrong. I see a weakness in believing that you are NEVER wrong, as you, and your pseudo-spirituality, and it is apparent to me now that EVERY demonic comment you post about me or directed toward me is to get me off my center. I may fall off, but YET I RISE!!! One thing I know is that a seeker of "peace", will not continually taut anyone, regardless of reason. You have your own intent, as well as your own conscience to deal with, assuming you have one, which I sincerely doubt. You are NOTHING but EGO, and there is NO ROOM for any virtue.
To You, again I say: Shem Em Hotep. (May you go in peace.)
GHOST - Who Will Still Present The TRUTH, regardless. With the evidence. Sorry SIDDS; you are projecting again.
So, anyway, after posting my "Blueprint", which you will note, that up until yesterday (where he said it was "good"), he went into lengthy detail criticizing it, without EVER commending me for the effort, while almost everyone else was, I posted "Who Am I? - A Breakdown Of George "Sonny" Goddard's Accomplishments" on July 14, 2011. Again, SIDDS was the solo critic. You would also note that, I tried once again, to reconcile our "differences". You would also note, that he speaks to people as if he is more "divinely sent" than anyone of us, as if he is some savior of the pan movement, which I knew, by his positions, that he can NEVER be. (But you all be the judge; you seem great at judging.)
QUESTIONS: Compare my most popular posts, and be honest; what does this WST membership really want to read? "Positive" "Blueprints", or "Negative" "Issues on Race, Homophobia, etc."?
In case my passionate critics fail to understand: You can disagree with an opinion. There is NO disagreeing with a fact. I present my opinions based on FACTS, and my method of presenting my arguments, include providing the evidence, or the sources, where one may find the evidence. ONLY simple minds would attempt to dismiss either - opinion or fact - without applying the same approach, and does not intellectually challenge either. To remind you:
Simple minds discuss people.
Average minds discuss events.
Great minds discuss ideas.
I am yet to see ANYONE present as comprehensive an "idea" as the Blueprint for Pan Success, that I submitted, yet, some choose to misrepresent my input on this site. I have also encouraged them to not take the powerless approach by simply complaining; rather, if they believe that the majority of the WST membership would like to see me removed from this forum, then they can start a petition to have me removed. If any of you took the time, you would see that, like my dad, my passion and commitment to the steelband movement and the local proletarian panman and panwoman, is my ONLY motivation for keeping my thoughts, ideas, and opinions real, and relevant to the plight of the "average" steelband member of Trinidad & Tobago.
I believe that before we rush to "share" our culture, we MUST first take care of things at home. There are those who wish to strip me of citizenship for being a US resident, and mock my credentials. There are others who warp my comments, fail to respond to the contents of my posts, or questions that I pose, and apply double-standards, as far as "non-related" pan issues go; for certainly as long as you are among the majority, you are free to post religious and "spiritual" diatribe of any length. They became very offended and attacked my when I first came on to WST, voicing "my opinion" (which I should be entitled to) that "George Sonny Goddard is the Greatest Leader of the Steelband Movement", without trying to understand what EXACTLY I meant by that statement. So rather than enter into respectful discussion, SIDDS and others began their quest to silence me. And when that failed, they then decided that they would criticize everything I posted, including the "Blueprint", while NUMEROUS others, including the moderators of this site, were openly voicing support, and positive words of encouragement. As Rambo said: THEY DREW FIRST BLOOD!
Finally, they further attempt to paint me as racist, and, again, if you choose to judge me, based on my posts, without looking at ALL my posts, then you are also free to judge me wrongfully. Thankfully, I have family, relatives, and close friends of ALL persuasions, who know me, and are not offended that I speak the truth, whether they are Black, White, rich, poor, Trinidadian, Guyanese, musician or ditch-digger. If anyone reading this comment is honest and fair, they will take the right steps to figure this whole set of negative energy out, and, maybe, I overkill at times, but, as a warrior, that is the ONLY way that I know how to fight, college degree or no college degree. I posted my qualifications, not to show off, but in response to attacks on my credibility, as I did when I posted, my poem (which shows my LOVE for ALL people) None Of My Friends Are Niggers, and photos of my family, after SIDDS brought my wife (who is not "pan-related") into the discussion, to prove that I did not love my "Blackness". As if, one cannot be "Black and Proud", and, because they TRULY are not racist, has NO problem falling in love with any woman, regardless of "race". What is ironic, is that as "mixed" as SIDDS may see her, she sees herself as A BLACK WOMAN. (Just like her mom, who you can also see in the photos I posted. To "expose" me, SIDDS decided that he would go under his real name, and "befriend" me on Facebook, and if that isn't "low-down" spying, then I don't know what is. So, choose to dismiss my comments as "shit" if you choose, because TRUTH is independent of OPINION, and, conversely, a credible, sensible opinion, is DEPENDENT on truth (facts, based on credible, corroborated evidence). I hope you all realize that I am not here to be popular, and my life does not center around WST (unlike certain others). I devote my time and efforts on this forum, because of love of both county and culture. And, when the time comes (NOTHING lasts FOREVER), that I am no longer a part on the discussions on this site, at least, my conscience will be clear that I did my part, and voiced my honest opinions, on behalf of my peers in the steelband fraternity. I embrace my entire global steelband family, however, they must also understand that, I hurt, as a son of the soil, to see what Trinidad & Tobago has become. If you look at the comments of others, you will see that I am not the only one who admits to an "African-Indian feud" (as another poster put it). I am just the only one they focus on, because of the power of my voice and the honesty of my words. I will continue, because, I have ALWAYS been assured that GOOD WILL ALWAYS OVERCOME EVIL! ALWAYS!!!
Trinidad and Tobago is growing-up 50 years as a nation, I have been defusing race talk on the forum for the last 2 years because of what I have been seeing in Trinidad & Tobago everyday. Sat Maharaj only get some play on WST, nobody on Radio, TV talk about Sat in Trinidad & Tobago.
What Sugar Aloes did by appearing on the PP platform and the kind of politics practicing by the COP & MSJ T&T is heading to be a unified country.
"In Trinidad there are no racism between African and Indian. The difference are in the culture - one race save their money and the other spend what they do not have." Terry Samuel.
Are you willing to apologize for this racist statement, so we can believe that you're are not racist, as we would like to? Or, do you also agree with Sat Maraj's statement that we (i.e. people who look like me) "beat pan" and "allyuh" does "beat book"? Also, doesn't this statement admit that there are (in fact) "African" and "Indian" in Trinidad? Why, when I use the terms, I am told there are no such people? Thanks, "Lady Liberty".
GHOST - Who Is A Born And Bred Citizen Of The Republic Of Trinidad & Tobago, And A Registered (Undecided) Voter, Who WILL Be Voting The Next Trinidad & Tobago General Election!!!
Terry Sat Maharaj is old school Indian, the younger ones doh care about race because they run things in T&T.
By Corey Connelly Monday, June 4 2012
Despite picong from People’s National Movement (PNM) supporters and some his colleagues in the calypso fraternity, Michael Osuna (Sugar Aloes) again mounted a People’s Partnership (PP) platform on Saturday at the party’s second anniversary rally at Old Market Square in Sacrborough, Tobago.
To the music of the song, “She’s Royal,” a smiling Osuna appeared on the stage around 10.30 pm to the delight of PP supporters who waited patiently to see the performance of the veteran entertainer.
Dressed in white, the dapper calypsonian said although he dedicated the song to Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, it was also a tribute to women.
“I want to dedicate it to this special lady here. But I also want to dedicate the song to all beautiful women in the world,” he said, amid cheers from supporters. Osuna, who has won the National Calypso Monarch title on several occasions, drew the ire of many in the calypso world on May 24, when he appeared on the PP’s platform during the party’s second anniversary celebration at Mid-Centre Mall in Chaguanas. Prior to that, he had long been a vocal critic of the PP, particularly Persad-Bissessar.
Aloes admitted then that he had thrown out a proposal to the Government, the Opposition PNM and the business fraternity, seeking land for the tent he manages, Calyso Revue. .
And while a decision has not officially been made on the proposal, Aloes noted that the Government had pledged its assistance to the project.
Aloes said he was also willing to perform at functions to celebrate this country’s 50th anniversary of independence. Since his May 24 appearance, Aloes has faced much criticism, so much so that many persons have vowed to ridicule him at future competitions or events
As Osuna sang on Saturday night, Persad-Bissessar, Works and Infrastructure Minister Jack Warner, Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP) leader Ashworth Jack and Legal Affairs Minister Prakash Ramadhar rose to their feet and swayed to the tune.
They were later joined by the Prime Minister’s husband Dr Gregory Bissessar, San Fernando Mayor Marlene Coudray and others.
During Aloes’ performance, Persad-Bissessar waved a miniature national flag and one bearing the symbol of the TOP. Aloes was later whisked away from the stage by Gary Griffith, National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister.
© newsday.co.tt - www.newsday.co.tt
FREEDOM OF SPEECH! (Just watch what you say...)
GHOST - Who Knows That TRUTH Can Never Be Silenced!!!
Wrong, as usual. It deteriorated when you chose to disrespect me and my efforts on this WST site. Regardless of your opinion, I have the freedom to focus on whatever I feel is important, just as you have the right. When I came on, yourself, Cecil Hinkson and a few of you immediately started with your insulting sarcasm, and open, unapologetic apathy for the pain I expressed, which, if ANY of you were "GODLIKE", would have understood, and, instead of attempting to scar my image, and make me some laughing stock on WST, you all could have shown some compassion, appreciation, and common human decency. So I realized what I was up against, and EVERYTHING from that point that I posted, I backed up with evidence. Again, if I, as the LION, I will ALWAYS be, find myself among a pack of laughing (literally) hyenas, I expect to take some, but I will also give some. You all referred to me as "boy", not understanding the "racist" connotations to the word, and have labeled me the "ANGRY BLACK RACIST NATIONALIST", which is also the stereotypical title given to ANY Black Man or Black Woman who asserts their African heritage (including those we gave to the Caribbean: calypso, reggae, pan, etc.) into their identity and "consciousness". Hang on, I will post the racist statements that you made, which, as you witnessed, offended MANY WST members who are of Afrcan descent, yet you NEVER apologized. You NEVER have. EVERYONE will also see that, once I know I was wrong I ALWAYS apologize, for I see NO weakness in being wrong. I see a weakness in believing that you are NEVER wrong, as you, and your pseudo-spirituality, and it is apparent to me now that EVERY demonic comment you post about me or directed toward me is to get me off my center. I may fall off, but YET I RISE!!! One thing I know is that a seeker of "peace", will not continually taut anyone, regardless of reason. You have your own intent, as well as your own conscience to deal with, assuming you have one, which I sincerely doubt. You are NOTHING but EGO, and there is NO ROOM for any virtue.
To You, again I say: Shem Em Hotep. (May you go in peace.)
GHOST - Who Will Still Present The TRUTH, regardless. With the evidence. Sorry SIDDS; you are projecting again.
So, anyway, after posting my "Blueprint", which you will note, that up until yesterday (where he said it was "good"), he went into lengthy detail criticizing it, without EVER commending me for the effort, while almost everyone else was, I posted "Who Am I? - A Breakdown Of George "Sonny" Goddard's Accomplishments" on July 14, 2011. Again, SIDDS was the solo critic. You would also note that, I tried once again, to reconcile our "differences". You would also note, that he speaks to people as if he is more "divinely sent" than anyone of us, as if he is some savior of the pan movement, which I knew, by his positions, that he can NEVER be. (But you all be the judge; you seem great at judging.)
FYI - The comments directly above the link, are not mine. They came from "againstscamps", a respondent to the original article in the Express.
QUESTIONS: Compare my most popular posts, and be honest; what does this WST membership really want to read? "Positive" "Blueprints", or "Negative" "Issues on Race, Homophobia, etc."?
In case my passionate critics fail to understand: You can disagree with an opinion. There is NO disagreeing with a fact. I present my opinions based on FACTS, and my method of presenting my arguments, include providing the evidence, or the sources, where one may find the evidence. ONLY simple minds would attempt to dismiss either - opinion or fact - without applying the same approach, and does not intellectually challenge either. To remind you:
Simple minds discuss people.
Average minds discuss events.
Great minds discuss ideas.
I am yet to see ANYONE present as comprehensive an "idea" as the Blueprint for Pan Success, that I submitted, yet, some choose to misrepresent my input on this site. I have also encouraged them to not take the powerless approach by simply complaining; rather, if they believe that the majority of the WST membership would like to see me removed from this forum, then they can start a petition to have me removed. If any of you took the time, you would see that, like my dad, my passion and commitment to the steelband movement and the local proletarian panman and panwoman, is my ONLY motivation for keeping my thoughts, ideas, and opinions real, and relevant to the plight of the "average" steelband member of Trinidad & Tobago.
I believe that before we rush to "share" our culture, we MUST first take care of things at home. There are those who wish to strip me of citizenship for being a US resident, and mock my credentials. There are others who warp my comments, fail to respond to the contents of my posts, or questions that I pose, and apply double-standards, as far as "non-related" pan issues go; for certainly as long as you are among the majority, you are free to post religious and "spiritual" diatribe of any length. They became very offended and attacked my when I first came on to WST, voicing "my opinion" (which I should be entitled to) that "George Sonny Goddard is the Greatest Leader of the Steelband Movement", without trying to understand what EXACTLY I meant by that statement. So rather than enter into respectful discussion, SIDDS and others began their quest to silence me. And when that failed, they then decided that they would criticize everything I posted, including the "Blueprint", while NUMEROUS others, including the moderators of this site, were openly voicing support, and positive words of encouragement. As Rambo said: THEY DREW FIRST BLOOD!
Finally, they further attempt to paint me as racist, and, again, if you choose to judge me, based on my posts, without looking at ALL my posts, then you are also free to judge me wrongfully. Thankfully, I have family, relatives, and close friends of ALL persuasions, who know me, and are not offended that I speak the truth, whether they are Black, White, rich, poor, Trinidadian, Guyanese, musician or ditch-digger. If anyone reading this comment is honest and fair, they will take the right steps to figure this whole set of negative energy out, and, maybe, I overkill at times, but, as a warrior, that is the ONLY way that I know how to fight, college degree or no college degree. I posted my qualifications, not to show off, but in response to attacks on my credibility, as I did when I posted, my poem (which shows my LOVE for ALL people) None Of My Friends Are Niggers, and photos of my family, after SIDDS brought my wife (who is not "pan-related") into the discussion, to prove that I did not love my "Blackness". As if, one cannot be "Black and Proud", and, because they TRULY are not racist, has NO problem falling in love with any woman, regardless of "race". What is ironic, is that as "mixed" as SIDDS may see her, she sees herself as A BLACK WOMAN. (Just like her mom, who you can also see in the photos I posted. To "expose" me, SIDDS decided that he would go under his real name, and "befriend" me on Facebook, and if that isn't "low-down" spying, then I don't know what is. So, choose to dismiss my comments as "shit" if you choose, because TRUTH is independent of OPINION, and, conversely, a credible, sensible opinion, is DEPENDENT on truth (facts, based on credible, corroborated evidence). I hope you all realize that I am not here to be popular, and my life does not center around WST (unlike certain others). I devote my time and efforts on this forum, because of love of both county and culture. And, when the time comes (NOTHING lasts FOREVER), that I am no longer a part on the discussions on this site, at least, my conscience will be clear that I did my part, and voiced my honest opinions, on behalf of my peers in the steelband fraternity. I embrace my entire global steelband family, however, they must also understand that, I hurt, as a son of the soil, to see what Trinidad & Tobago has become. If you look at the comments of others, you will see that I am not the only one who admits to an "African-Indian feud" (as another poster put it). I am just the only one they focus on, because of the power of my voice and the honesty of my words. I will continue, because, I have ALWAYS been assured that GOOD WILL ALWAYS OVERCOME EVIL! ALWAYS!!!
In Ma'at (Truth, Justice, Reciprocity)
Shem Em Hotep (May you go in peace).