Dear Friends and music lovers from all over the world especially here in Trinidad, perhaps you don't know the health conditions that one of our greatest musical icons, Mr."Joey Lewis" is now facing and for over the past six (6) or many years. I my self had no idea about his health conditions until I visited him at his home in mid Feb of this year 2015. I was indeed shock when I saw him. This Icon is now bed ridden and is confined to a wheel chair because he can't walk. I ask his wife Judy why the Government of Trinidad and Tobago through the Ministry of Culture has not offered some kind of assistance to this great Icon, her answer to me was she tried on several occasions to contact the Ministry but to no avail.
This great Icon has put Trinidad on the map for over 57 years with great music for the young as well the elders of our time, why can't this great Icon be honored in some form of an humanitarian way of assistance? is the question. I have offered to assist his wife with a financial assistance, and will continue to do so by the grace of God as long as I could.
Anyone who's interested to assist with this great concern can contact Mrs.Julia Lewis
better known as 'Judy' at Ph# 1-868-623-7572 or at the address" 6 Gonzales Hill
Gonzales Place P.O.S
Rep of Trinidad w.I.
Thanks and may God Bless you all.
Don Clarke
Atlanta Georgia
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Is the government of T&T aware of Joey's condition? Is the Opposition aware of Joey's condition? We should not assume that they do, because most of us in T&T and abroad are only now hearing of this.
I am sure they will address this issue. if contacted. I'll like to hear the result(s). I think they assisted Sparrow but don't know if Stalin got any assistance.
Stalin got .
Yes I contacted his wife Judy and asked an officer to interview her he will get an assistance Paperwork has started
This man brings chills to my bone when I hear his name… fond memories of Dj’ing at Birching Castle sports club in Couva and Joey Lewis putting down really nice music every year, Joey had some serious music over those years and deserves every helping hand possible. Next to Roy Cape; Pal Joey Lewis is a name everyone knows and respect.
Joey Lewis is and will always be the foundation of all brass bands in Trinidad.
Go to the Ministry of Social Development ,there is assitance for Special Achievers .These persons are given a little help. A lot of Calypsonians and other persons have been assisted.
Thanks for this info.Rhonda Dennis, now it's up to someone in T&T to work with Joeys family so he can receive the help that's available.
I spoke to his wife today and allowed her to speak to an officer at the ministry so things will work out hopefully. I used to live in Gonzales and went to school with the children. God is good all the time.
Rhonda Dennis, YOU ROCK.. and yes GOD is good all the time.
He will get the help paperwork has started he'll get an income to assist. These things have to go to a board the okay was granted already. I try my best to help those most in need. My parents brought me up to always lend a hand to others,and I have trained my children to do the same. There is a senior citizen who I assisted with a loss pension cheque and today we are good friends .She is 102 yrs. old and came to look for me yesterday I love that lady I'll miss her when she dies