Jadon dazzles as Katzenjammers' youngest player


Jadon Phillip, nine, shows off his skills with Katzenjammers during the band’s performance in the Panorama medium band final at Dwight Yorke Stadium, Bacelot, Tobago last Sunday. DAVID REID - Jadon Phillip, nine, shows off his skills with Katzenjammers during the band’s performance in the Panorama medium band final at Dwight Yorke Stadium, Bacelot, Tobago last Sunday. DAVID REID -

If you're a fan of Katzenjammers Steel Orchestra in Tobago or simply a pan enthusiast, chances are you've seen Jadon Ramsey Phillip.

He's the pint-sized, nine-year-old in the band's frontline and quite a sight to behold when performing alongside the older players.

The gifted pannist plays with an intensity which belies his age.

Newsday Kids sat down with Jadon on Wednesday at Katzenjammers Pan Theatre in Black Rock, three days after the band's third place finish in the Panorama medium band final in Tobago.


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