by Michael Joseph. Bro.Scobie
This once lovely twin island nation called Trinidad and Tobago is today in such a depraved state, and all its citizens within and without, are asking themselves the same question and coming to the wrong conclusion.
The question is what is wrong with the youths today? I can tell you that not one thing is wrong with the youths today. They are the mirror of the wider society and we living in denial is not going to alter the fact that KARMA is a bitch, and none shall escape. You sow the wind, and you reap the whirlwind.
All the crimes that are looking this society in its face today are the same crimes that this society committed in secret. Pretending to not know that these evil deeds make full circle and are for some time now standing before our faces, while we choose to create distractions to justify and try to ease our disturbed, tormented and guilty consciences. The youths today are motivated by the KARMATIC effects of misdeeds created by governance past and present.
When people who are placed in public trust turn around and take advantage of their position; when politicians over the years are allowed to rob the treasury with impunity, so caught up in their selfish greed, failing to realize that they are depriving the children of proper health care, food for the right kind of nourishment, housing with all the necessary amenities, a good education, and job opportunities, especially in an oil economy as ours. This is the result… it is called KARMA.
The youths today did not create the monsters that are haunting our once beautiful twin Island nation. The thieving politicians that we have employed to manage our affairs, and whom we fail to hold up to public scrutiny, blinded by party loyalty, are the ones to be held responsible for the state of our nation - they who continue to fail the people, by not doing the job that they were sworn into office to do. Wheeling and dealing for personal benefits, seems to be their main expertise.
We place people in office because they say they can do the job required. And the job is to manage the economy and create a better life for the people. But, after enjoying all the facilities we put in place for their ease of comfort and efficiency, they go on to abuse their privileges by fixing themselves, their family and friends, then they turn around to tell us we are depending too much on the government for our sustenance. Who should we the people depend on, ghost busters?
The government was placed in office by the people, to improve their lifestyle, and create betterment for all. Instead, to maintain their dishonest life style, politicians choose to become oppressive, taxing the poor out of existence.
When they take office, their family, friends and big business financiers can depend on them, but the people who put them in office cannot? The youths are not stupid; they are growing up and seeing every thing that is taking place right before their eyes. So, society is facing the demons society continues to create. And, the security forces that we are depending on for the solution are all creatures of the same vicious circle. That is why they become a part of the problem.
There is no one that people could trust in this society today. And mark my word, it’s coming down, none shall escape, from the small to the high and mighty. What goes around comes around. Never forget that what we are facing is not a youth problem, it is called KARMA.
Michael Joseph. Bro.Scobie.
Community and Social Activist
So true Bro. Politicians and Pan Trinbago...........
Cecil, well said - LOL, LOL, LOL