Hotep, Big Sid.

I really try to stay away from my “religious” beliefs on this WST forum, as I believe that, unlike the other “taboo” topic –politics, our personal religious paradigms should be kept to ourselves. I am surprised that you would call Br. Ben a “false prophet”. Firstly, I do not consider ANYONE anymore of a “prophet” than myself, understanding that, as long as I keep in tune with “nature”, “God”, and the “Universe”, there is NOTHING that I cannot “prophesy”. Secondly, in my opinion, the GREATEST FALSE PROPHET was the man called Moses, “writer” of the first five chapters of the Bible (the “Holy Torah”, or “Pentateuch”), for ALL of his “stories” on “creation”, and his alleged interactions with his “God” (Yahweh), have been proven –not only by Dr. Ben, who was not the first to uncover the allegories and plagiarism in the “Old Testament” – to be fabrications, at best. Ironically, the Hebrew (Haribu) word for Genesis is “Bereshit”; bere shit, indeed. For one to believe in the Hebrew version of how “God” created the “Heavens and the Earth”, one would be forced to accept that “God” forgot he already created what the Bible says he created, for certainly by the time Moses allegedly got to, what the Greek invaders, not the inhabitants called, “Egypt” (KMT to those who lived there), much of what Moses is credited with “discovering” or being given directly by “God” himself, was already “discovered” and given to the ancient Kemites long before the birth of the first “Hebrew”. So, Moses did not get his “Ten Commandments” from any burning bush; rather he, as a “son of the Pharaoh”, would have had to recite the “42 Admonitions of Ma’at”, or “Negative Confessions”, at least on a daily basis.

It is also a fact that, prior to their entering “Egypt”, the Hebrews had NO “God concept”; a nomadic, patricidal group, driven into famine, and experiencing, what we call “civilization”, for the first time. This is why one sees no evidence of any religious canons, pre-Egypt, or proof of rites and rituals such as the Passover, circumcision, and so forth. The ancient Hebrews had always coveted the “Bread Basket of the Nile”, and it was this need, that the allegorical stories of floods, locusts, etcetera, became relevant and necessary. The story of the forbidden fruit is a direct and distorted version of the story of Remesses, who asks “God” for wisdom to rule his kingdom. His “prayer” is answered, when he “is sent a woman (Shanu Seshat), who gives him the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge”.  It was never forbidden, and the story was intentionally twisted, to favor Hebrew male-dominated “culture” (for lack of a better word). The story of Cain killing Abel, is the (reshaped) story of Set’s killing of Ausar (Osiris), the latter being part of the World’s FIRST “Holy Trinity” –Ausar (Osiris), Aset (Isis), and Heru (Horus). Note that the Greeks saw to it to rename EVERY SINGLE “God” and “Goddess”, including Imhotep, who becomes Asclepius, one of the “Gods of Medicine” mentioned in the Hippocratic Oath. The story of this fratricide, also is the representation of the daily rising (light, resurrection, rebirth, etc.) and setting (Set, darkness, evil, etc.), where “Set” (EVIL, add a “D”, you get DEVIL) kills Ausar (GOOD, remove an “O”, you get GOD), who “rules the Underworld”, only to be “resurrected” with the birth of the Heru (his “only begotten”, immaculately conceived by “God’s Spirit” impregnating Aset ). It is a FACT that “God”, was first conceived in the minds of those who needed to explain their existence and environment. And, naturally, the first “gods” they worshipped were Nature and the “Universe”. This is why, one would not find ANY religious ritual or ceremony, that is not circled around these two entities. Nature and the Universe.

So, Heru (Horus) represents rebirth, light –the SUN, and, is the prototype for all the other “Christs”, “Sages”, “Anointed Ones”, and so on, including the most-recent, Jesus.  This is why one would also NEVER find an image of him, without the SUN, as a halo (of “Christhood”) behind him. The SUN becomes the SON. In December, both “die” on a “cross” (see the Crux constellation) for three days (December 22 to December 24), and both are born/reborn on December 25, in the “House of Wheat” (meaning of Bethlehem, and representative of Virgo, the “virgin” wheat-bearer), in the presence of “Three Wise Men” or “Magi” (source of the word “magic”) –the three stars of “Orion’s Belt”. Interestingly, the word “resurrection” is really the RAISED ERECTION of Ausar (Osiris), still today a symbol of rebirth, and its totemic  representation is the many tekhenw (obelisks in Greek) we see in this part of the World, and in others. Even in the Hebrew Scriptures, their “God” tells them that, “I am…from the Land of Egypt” (Hosea 13:4). Of course, later versions, especially those wrapped in eugenics and “Social Darwinism”, saw to it that, like the “hair of wool, and feet like bronze…” declaration, this would also be removed under the disguise of “a more accurate, updated version”.

The original “Holy Scriptures” is the “Book Of Coming Forth By Day and Night”, Wallis E. Budge’s “Book of the Dead”. In it we see not only the commandments (of which Moses broke down to ten), but the story of “God” being the “Creator” of man from “dirt”, and where the idea of the “Ark of the Covenant” originated. Dr. Ben didn’t tell me that; I owned a copy of it, and saw for myself, where most, if not all, what we call “Hebrew Biblical History” got its myths and allegories. As far as the “African social and economic predicament”, I totally agree we DEFINITELY need to look at the Bible, as it is the introduction of THIS ONE BOOK into the spiritual psyche of the “African mind, and spirit”, which took their “social and economic predicament” into hyper-overdrive. (Look at the correlations between religion and poverty, then tell me how Judaism, Islam, or Christianity have worked for the African and his/her descendants. In my opinion, atheism is a better option, “socially and economically” speaking, of course.)

 The Crucifix is another distortion of Kemitic symbolism, removing the loop (womb or female aspect), and impaling an image on it, changing its symbolic meaning from (the Ankh of) LIFE, to the DEATH of Jesus Christ. The “Holy Trinity” is transformed from FATHER, SON, and MOTHER, to “Father, Son, and Holy Ghost/Spirit”, and the MOTHER replaced to favor Hebrew misogyny, which still exists, even today. So Eve, Lot’s wife, and other women of “Biblical times”, become the convenient “scape-nannies” of Hebrew allegory, that is wrapped in the value (or lack thereof) they place on their women, from an “ism” stand-point. This is also why we see the Queen of Sheba (Makeda), apologizing to the “daughters of Israel” (peasants, not “royalty”), for NOTHING other than her “black skin”. This openly-racist false account, insults the reader’s intelligence, by claiming the reason she gave, was that she (basically) got burned (to blackness, I guess “to a crisp”) from the sun, having stayed out too long “in the vineyards”. Not that she was African, and the melanin-content in her skin was in her DNA. (Then again, DNA science was not available back then. And Cheikh Anta Diop’s “melanin dosage test” had not yet been discovered.) Finally, on the Ankh, one would also note you would find the Alpha and Omega symbolism of “God having no beginning and no end”. One just need look closely; with your “third eye”, if you will.

There were NO Hamites before that word was created by (so-called) “religious studies”. I encourage you to provide the evidence where there is ANY mention of “Hamites”, “Semites”. Caucasian” or “Negro”, as written by the indigenous Africans, prior to (so-called) “Hebrew” and “Christian” (White) European and (White) American implanted those terms into “history”. In fact, the ancient “Egyptians” called their land KMT (Kemmet, Kemit, etc.) and were known as Kemites, or “Black People”. In Hebrew, the word for black is “kam”. Now, by your “bloodline” argument, we would have to then say that ALL human beings (homo-sapien sapiens) are African, for ALL the evidence show that we came from the same African man and woman –Scientific Adam and Eve. Your belief in the “Hamitic Myth”, is absolutely your choice to make, however, the fact remains, that it is wrapped in racist, Hebrew falsifications, as recorded in their “Holy Book” (The Torah, or Pentateuch). I am amazed at how “religious dogma” hypnotizes even the most “intellectual” among us, for, I find it amazing, that someone of your intellect and knowledge, would find it hard to believe that “Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth”, one was white, one was brown, and one was black, and ONLY the black one would be forever accursed for nervously laughing at his drunken father (and, I know, some people’s imagination go further to say he buggered his old man). Apparently, the Hebrew God has no issues with drunkenness, and sounds more like Bacchus/Dionysus than Jehovah/Yahweh to me.  Me, I say, the dad, Noah, should have set a better example, than to get so drunk, that he doesn’t even know if has only Black son did a “Captain Kirk” on him (to boldly go where no man has gone before).

Now, I would like you to explain how was it possible for the Pharaoh’s daughter to trick EVERYONE (including the Pharaoh, and not only the “knuckleheads” in society)into believing that Moses was her son, if they were as “indistinguishable from the Black Egyptians”, as you claim. She must have used black shoe polish, or something, to pull that one off, for ALL those years! I would assume that you are aware of the “Egyptian Classification of Races”, as seen in the Tomb of King Seti, which show only slight differences between the Kemites and other Africans. Of course, we should all understand that, (1) Africa is a continent, made up of many countries, (2) “Egypt” is, still today, a part of that African continent, (3) What is known a “Egypt” today, is not the same “Egypt” of antiquity, (4) at one time Queen Makeda of Sheba’s kingdom, extended into part of India, (5) Before it was called Africa, the continent was known as Alkebulan, and (5) the white, foreign cartographers, many of who never even ventured into the interior of the continent, were drawing maps with places and locations that did not exist. They, also at one time called the entire continent Ethiopia, and even Negroland; neither names stemming from her indigenous inhabitants. It should also be clear, that ANYONE without “black skin” is a foreigner, whether by invitation or conquest, and it is out of this interaction (miscegenation or “race-mixing”) the Haribu/Hebrew was born. Hence the word “Semite”, or “half Black and half White. (“ Semi”, a Latin prefix means “half”.)  One would also note that the ancient “Egyptians” themselves told us in their “writings on the wall” that their people “ORIGINATED AT THE BASE OF THE MOUNTAIN OF THE MOON, WHERE THE GOD HAPI DWELLS”. That “Mountain of the Moon” is the Kilimanjaro, and this was long, long before Europeans created “sub-Saharan Africans, south of the border”, in order to lay claim to a non-Black origin of “Egypt”. NO OTHER REASON! So, we end up with the TWA being relegated to “a pagan Pygmy”, and all of a sudden, a White (at best) or a “Mixed”/Semite/Arab (at worst) “Egyptian” origin. Dismissing, Dr. Ben as a “false prophet”, means one would have to disbelieve irrefutable evidence uncovered that show a distinct Black African origin of ancient KMT (Black Man’s Land), beginning with the empirical studies of Diop and Obenga. It also means ignoring the writing of Herodotus, Plato, Aristotle, and other early Greek “students of the Egyptian Mysteries”, who, prior to racism, had NO problem describing the “Egyptians” as “black with wooly hair”, the same they would describe ANY other native of the African continent, north or south of their imaginary “sub-Saharan” borderline. I am thankful that Dr. Den provides his primary sources of information, and his reference list in his “Black Man of The Nile and His Family”, is extensive enough to keep me as a student of world history and African studies, for as long as I am blessed with vision. As a victim of his exposure of Hebrew allegory, plagiarism, and bigotry, it is absolutely natural for you to consider him a “false prophet”, but to me, being exposed (over two decades ago) to Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan’s published works, literally, saved me from becoming another NEGRO – a Black/African man, with a White/Eurpoean mentality. I am proud of where this congruence in identity has taken me, both as a person and as a “spirit”, and Dr. Ben will ALWAYS be “Baba” to me. In Ma’at (TRUTH)

Shem Em Hotep (May you go in peace.)

Jabari Baruti Osaze. (George D. Goddard, on WST as “Pan’tum – The Ghost Who Talks”.)

                Forbidden? Depends on which story you believe. The original or the "version"...

 The TRUTH is the TRUTH, even if NO ONE believes it. A LIE is a LIE even if EVERYONE believes it.

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  • My bredren I give you an A+. Doc Ben would be proud of your presentation.  When Doc Ben first produced his Black Man of the Nile it was in paperback, and all his correctiopns were on the manuscript. In those days we had to publish the works on mimeograph paper then self publish the work. He used to sell the books from the trunk of his car ( Usually a Lincoln). Boy those were some  'hot: days. Doc Ben has lost a considerable amount of weight and he is not well. Give thanks Dr. Lance Seunarine

  • It,s a great pleasure to be a friend of the Ghost Who Talks,,,like i once had mentioned before with the indulgence of  reading  non fictional books or Literature ,one tends to gain knowledge,,let the truth be known,,IGNORANCE   LIES  IN THE BOSSOM OF THE FOOL,,,,keep on  doing your thing,,, Pan"tum,,, God Bless.

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