Tichona Shervington - Education Officer, Cary Codrington - President Locals, Caspar Durant - Trustee, Malcolm Kernahan - PRO and Jyotir Gittens - Clerk, as they all work out the details for XL4Pan.
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There is a wide world of opportunity for the STEELBAND. If XL4PAN can FOCUS its energies in the right direction the SKY BECOMES THE LIMIT. I am sure that once some objectives are defined many members from this forum will step up and play a part -- big or small.
I wish this new group can focus on getting the steel bands to play good listening music or dance music. For many years It is hard for we ex-pats to introduce good listening music. There is too much ramajay and the music is lost to people that is hearing steel band music for the first time.
Courtney: This "new group" was formed on the premise "on getting the steel bands to play good listening music" but I think that that focus has already gotten blurred. My advice to you is to seek out some good music producers in your city and produce your own music.
The original goal of XL4PAN is still in sight, while the foundation is being laid. Be reminded Rome ( or the red House) was not built in a day. Our focus is without distraction. Thanks for your ongoing support.