Keith "Culture Man" Anderson sends condolences to the Solo Harmonites  pan family  on the death of the founding member: George " Solo George " Prescott.  George was one of the tallest panmen I ever saw, if not the tallest. He was a popular guy, always easy to talk to. He played the double tenor beautifully with good dexterity. Ah sorry he dead. Condolences to his family.

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  • Condolences from the management and members of the Desperadoes steelpan family too the members and family of  Solo Harmonites Steelband, on the death of our  Brother "George Prescott"....thank you GEORGE for your contribution.' we are sending the "WRECKER" for you !!!R.I.P..

  • Yeah boi....Condolences from de PowerStars family....onward to Valhalla..RIPSoloGeorge

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