And the PAN PLAYERS got $500 instead of the $1000 they were expecting. And uninformed people on this forum are saying "STRIKE NEXT PANORAMA" not realizing that KEITH DIAZ stands to lose over TWO MILLION dollars if PAN MEN refuse to play in Panorama and that is not about to happen.
And a strike will negatively affect the POLITICAL AMBITION of Doctor Dolly. So maybe SIDD is right!!! He is the only one with any intelligence on the forum and everybody else is ah set ah blind men and cannot see the exploitation of PAN PLAYERS that is taking place.
As for me, I doh know nothing about all dem spiritual and electronic discussions allyuh having on this forum because I doh believe in the GOD and the BIBLE ting and all that. But I do understand POLITICS in Trinidad and Tobago and how the PAN MOVEMENT is tied to THIS GOVERNMENT and that as long as that relationship stays intact -- PAN MEN WILL STAY IN THE DUMPS.