The prayers from the WST FORUM worked like magic and KEITH DIAZ is well again and BACK ON THE SCENE.
He did not steal any money! People are just spreading malicious rumors saying: "we thief the money."
Here is where the money went!
“We have to pay judges fees, appearance fees, prize money, on road, accommodation for pan people, guest performances, house announcers, pan players remittances ($8-12 million), printing, professional fees, sound system, transport, security and workers wages then we present the audit."
We are still looking for an explanation concerning those luxury vehicles .
Unfortunately all we ever really focus on IS Panorama. Even when the pan players don't get their $1000 each; it's in and out of the news in quick succession. I initially had a difficult time grasping the idea posted by a frequent commenter on this site that the leaders of Pan Trinbago will continue doing what they have been doing until 'the cows come home' but it certainly looks that way. They know how to cut deals. They know how to cook the books. They know how to keep certain key people in check. They are well experienced at what they are doing, even if they sometimes look foolish. Don't be fooled.
Michael: They know how to win friends and influence people in HIGH PLACES. That judge have a very good chance to deal them a fatal blow today. We shall see!!!
But even then, do you think that the successors to the throne could see PAN as anything MORE THAN PANORAMA? I doubt it!!!
Diaz was in Despers panyard on Tuesday beating iron and boasting that he will be on the Savannah Stage on Saturday in the engine room as usual. Ah guess dey go have to pay him $1000 also!
A player is a player!!!
If whomever is waiting in the wings to take over lacks the vision to fully utilize the full potential then it will remain as it always has been.
Regarding influencing people: are you implying that there's been dealing going on allowing PT to operate as they have been? Shocking, absolutely shocking!!!
Unfortunately, all we ever really focus on is PANORAMA -- sorry Andrew and Michael ... allyuh done say that already, ah doh know why ah saying it again.
I know you know....but it needs repeating in order to change the paradigm. Pan IS MORE than Panorama!!!
dont forget the consultants
and the medical expenses and vehicles mtce
board fees etc