When THE SONG was FIRST RELEASED it was KES and IWER but by the time the ROAD MARCH FEVER HIT ... the PAPERS was only saying IWER. At one point I had to go back and check to make sure that is the same song that KES was on that they were talking about.
So, KES have ah point ... but I have to go back to my favourite line from Richard Pryor: That's the POLITICS, baby!!!
JOY: One could say that KES was looking for a FREE ROAD MARCH RIDE and he GOT IT!!! I don't think that it is POLITICS -- I see it as part of the CULTURAL DIVIDE in TRINIDAD!!!
Kess would be around long after the rest fold
A wonderful tribute to T&T Carnival 2020!
American celebrity raves about her fantastic experience in Trinidad for Carnival 2020.
It look like IWER OUTSMART KES!!!
When THE SONG was FIRST RELEASED it was KES and IWER but by the time the ROAD MARCH FEVER HIT ... the PAPERS was only saying IWER. At one point I had to go back and check to make sure that is the same song that KES was on that they were talking about.
So, KES have ah point ... but I have to go back to my favourite line from Richard Pryor: That's the POLITICS, baby!!!
We all loose in politics
Very succinct response -- I LIKE IT!!!
Kes say..."everybody say"...I wonder what Iwer says?...
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ talks...
That's right , the song was sung by 2 singers and both names should be mention as the shared winner, not one. Politics it would never changed.
JOY: One could say that KES was looking for a FREE ROAD MARCH RIDE and he GOT IT!!! I don't think that it is POLITICS -- I see it as part of the CULTURAL DIVIDE in TRINIDAD!!!