ROBERT HERNANDEZ made a TACTICAL ERROR partnering with the WRONG GROUP -- so his stock has fallen to ZERO and he has NO CHANCE OF WINNING. Meanwhile, BYRON SERRETTE is picking up some momentum but not NEARLY ENOUGH to beat THE INCUMBENT CANDIDATE.
Rumours have it that there is another POTENTIAL CANDIDATE who is planning to run and UNSEAT BEVERLEY ... but I am not at LIBERTY to disclose the name of that candidate right now.
I still think that despite ALL THE CORRUPTION that BEVERLEY supported during her THREE YEARS, she will still join up with THE REBEL THREE and bring them back into office with her (so much for HONESTY and TRANSPARENCY and ROOTING OUT CORRUPTION in PAN TRINBAGO).
I will only support a candidate if they promise to make me GLOBAL AMBASSADOR FOR MARKETING STEELBAND MUSIC TO THE WORLD. But then again I could do that job ON MY OWN without MONEY FROM THE NCC or SUPPORT FROM THE EVER HIBERNATING PAN TRINBAGO.