In spite if how things may seem at times, all members here on the forum want what's best for the Steelband and Pan People in the Mecca. Let's see how we can use the Internet to accomplish this.
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PAN is POLITICS and PAN TRINBAGO is MORE POLITICS. When Gregory Lindsay marched on PAN TRINBAGO it was a POLITICAL MOVE. I actually like GREGORY LINDSAY because he was brave and bold enough to take on KEITH DIAZ and the corrupt PAN TRINBAGO ADMINISTRATION. If I had his ear I would encourage to stage a few more marches -- although some of them would be politically risky. I give him a lot of tone because I know the mountain he has to climb trying to remove KEITH DIAZ -- and there are even PHYSICAL DANGERS involved. After all, THIS IS TRINIDAD 2017!!!
CIP is a POLITICAL ORGANIZATION trying to take power away from KEITH DIAZ. If they cannot admit that, how are they going to play the political game with a man like KEITH DIAZ.
Over the last seven years I have been the SECOND BIGGEST critic of KEITH DIAZ on this forum -- and constantly so. And I am sure that KEITH DIAZ has barely blinked an eye at my annoyance. Why? Because he is a REAL MASTER POLITICIAN. And me pointing that out over and over does not make me an agent of KEITH DIAZ.
I make commentary because I have seen FIRST HAND the potential of PAN MUSIC in FOREIGN. I know that the MUSIC WORLD has room for TEN MORE Andy Narells and Jonathan Scales. And I am pretty sure that I will die before I see some TRINIDAD "PAN MUSICIAN" joining the ranks of THOSE TWO. But I push for that long shot chance and I push for RECORDED PAN MUSIC and I understand the workings of the KEITH DIAZ MIND better than most -- so I channel him every so often. And when some ODD PERSON decides to drop in on the FORUM and read some isolated post and take it as the gospel -- the fault in their limitations. And I like to lime on FORUMS and hang with TRINIDADIANS. And I would like to be involved in the INTERNATIONAL MARKETING of PAN MUSIC but the music has to MEET MY STANDARDS. But it might be easier for me to climb MOUNT EVEREST than to get the message across of what is required to get PAN MUSIC produced that could win GLOBAL AIR PLAY and get generate WORLDWIDE SALES.
I support GREGORY LINDSAY'S movement but I think that he has the WRONG PEOPLE lined up beside him denying their POLITICAL AMBITION publicly. But burning internally to seize the reins of POWER from PAN TRINBAGO and KEITH DIAZ and then bungle the ADMINISTRATION of PAN TRINBAGO even more. Because PAN TRINBAGO PAYS WELL and requires ZERO QUALIFICATIONS other than belonging to a STEELBAND.
I am pretty sure that once the TAKE OVER unfolds -- Gregory Lindsay will get pushed to the side!!! At which time I will have to join forces with him as the STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL POWER continues ABOVE AND BEYOND the PROGRESS OF PAN!!!
Claude many in PanTrinbago have said to ALL who have ears, the present administration has to go.
Many have said the same about former Administrations (including this present administration ,but ALL it was about ,was the personalities) and as a result the incoming Administrations have suffered from the same defects,resulting in you and others sharing your disgust,pains,suggestions,complaints,ideas, toute bagai,and I am quite positive,no one cared to bat an eye at any of those.
Are we then to continue with the same modus operandi and expect a different result??
A change of personalities ONLY,will most likely result in you wearing out the lettering on hundreds of keyboards.
What CIP is attempting to do, is raise the awareness of Steelbands,ask them to proactively participate in the business of Pan ,agitate for Institutional changes,discuss ways to improve the product. Steelbands must be motivated to actively participate in their Organization,and the Organization has to much,much more than an Events Management Committee.
Like I said before CIP weeks old,don't have any high priced advisors,celebrated legal luminaries,or/and wealthy donors,but we are putting in the effort to take the Pan forward.
When I write,I am attempting to bring clarity to those who are not aware of all that's happening on the ground.
Claude, I am hopeful that CIP agrees to maintain it's core goals,and always be willing to assist or resist any new administration......CIP focus should always be the progress of Steelbands,players,communities, to create the product you are dying for,if that dovetails with the Executive desire,then so much the better.
AND YES!,there are those with POLITICAL ambitions who attend CIP meetings.
In Pan!
Cecil hinkson > oswald alexanderApril 5, 2017 at 12:02pm
Oswald, I hope the CIP realize the importance of the Steelband involvement in Carnival, anyone not sharing this vision should not be representing the Steelband, the road is in it's DNA.
Let us not sell the Steelband short, there has to be a way for the Steelband to capitalize on the revenue carnival brings.
We have to get the Steelbands out of the panorama funk and have them doing something for themselves, we have to convince them that All Stars is real and they all can do it too, show them All Stars success comes from Management + Players + Supporters.
Bringing a band on the road gives a sense of pride and accomplishment.
CIP recognizes that the RAPID growth PT needs,means the removal of ANY and ALL the obstacles,parasites,and /or mental paralysis that afflicts the Pan body presently.
That CIP group is made up of mostly PanTrinbago members,which other concerned individuals being asked/or volunteering, to assist.
That Mr Diaz and the remaining members of the PT Executive are quite free to join our discussion.
CIP knows that the PT cannot ONLY meet to discuss an Event,Eg: Panorama,Elections.
CIP intends to broaden the conversations among bands/communities and GROTT.
CIP intends to be part of the National discussion on CRIME,because Steelbands can and they do keep many youths involved in a positive activity,and it's possible to do more.
The longest rope has and end.(One has to be hopeful that there is not a noose at the end.)
CIP understands any new PT administration has a tremendous task ahead.
CIP knows that there are many hidden issues that would obstruct a new administration.
CIP knows that PAN need the assistance of ALL those who are willing to contribute to Steelbands/Communities and Pan development.
CIP knows that Steelbands leadership must be much more proactive in PanTrinbago affairs.
CIP knows we DON'T have all the answers,and we asking those who have the answer/s to many questions we have,to please come forward, and "DO SOMETHING FOR PAN"
CIP knows the longest journey starts with a single step.
Thanks Cecil!
Hello Claude.
Hopefully WST posters would motivate us to do better.
merrytones," signing the petition" is ONE item on CIP's agenda,because many feel this present administration is too tainted,and is definitely not going to take us forward.
CIP is asking bands who feel likewise to sign the petition,attend the meeting that Petition would generate,and vote "YES" to the Resolution.
CIP is also asking bands to attend CIP meetings and voice their concerns,share their ideas,and participate in group discussions/forums.
Please remember CIP does not have ALL the answers,but we are hopeful that others would come aboard and help propel PT forward rapidly.
THE HISTORICAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE & PANORAMA!!! Conceived and brought to fruition by the RIGHT HONOURABLE KEITH DIAZ. I will be contacting MY PRESIDENT momentarily to request a list of his accomplishments in the last SIX YEARS. But I can assure you in advance that the list is EXTREMELY LONG.
If the CIP came into power I can assure you that they could never rise to this level of GLOBAL SHOWCASE for the STEELBAND.
I wonder how that PETITION TO UNSEAT my president is coming? Who is the leader?
You need to get your fearless leader an accountant. He has problems balancing books. And that laughter you are hearing every-time Pan Trinbago's name is mentioned, is the Global Showcase your buddy has achieved. NOT!
Pan Trinbago is still operating with an outdated model for its business operations.They need a complete makeover to advance into the 21st century. You must be willing to outgrow what no longer fits.
We are living in a new media/information/digital age.
There's this saying education is freedom, once you know better you can DO better.
Here's an example what others are doing to advance music on PAN while conducting their business...
PAN is POLITICS and PAN TRINBAGO is MORE POLITICS. When Gregory Lindsay marched on PAN TRINBAGO it was a POLITICAL MOVE. I actually like GREGORY LINDSAY because he was brave and bold enough to take on KEITH DIAZ and the corrupt PAN TRINBAGO ADMINISTRATION. If I had his ear I would encourage to stage a few more marches -- although some of them would be politically risky. I give him a lot of tone because I know the mountain he has to climb trying to remove KEITH DIAZ -- and there are even PHYSICAL DANGERS involved. After all, THIS IS TRINIDAD 2017!!!
CIP is a POLITICAL ORGANIZATION trying to take power away from KEITH DIAZ. If they cannot admit that, how are they going to play the political game with a man like KEITH DIAZ.
Over the last seven years I have been the SECOND BIGGEST critic of KEITH DIAZ on this forum -- and constantly so. And I am sure that KEITH DIAZ has barely blinked an eye at my annoyance. Why? Because he is a REAL MASTER POLITICIAN. And me pointing that out over and over does not make me an agent of KEITH DIAZ.
I make commentary because I have seen FIRST HAND the potential of PAN MUSIC in FOREIGN. I know that the MUSIC WORLD has room for TEN MORE Andy Narells and Jonathan Scales. And I am pretty sure that I will die before I see some TRINIDAD "PAN MUSICIAN" joining the ranks of THOSE TWO. But I push for that long shot chance and I push for RECORDED PAN MUSIC and I understand the workings of the KEITH DIAZ MIND better than most -- so I channel him every so often. And when some ODD PERSON decides to drop in on the FORUM and read some isolated post and take it as the gospel -- the fault in their limitations. And I like to lime on FORUMS and hang with TRINIDADIANS. And I would like to be involved in the INTERNATIONAL MARKETING of PAN MUSIC but the music has to MEET MY STANDARDS. But it might be easier for me to climb MOUNT EVEREST than to get the message across of what is required to get PAN MUSIC produced that could win GLOBAL AIR PLAY and get generate WORLDWIDE SALES.
I support GREGORY LINDSAY'S movement but I think that he has the WRONG PEOPLE lined up beside him denying their POLITICAL AMBITION publicly. But burning internally to seize the reins of POWER from PAN TRINBAGO and KEITH DIAZ and then bungle the ADMINISTRATION of PAN TRINBAGO even more. Because PAN TRINBAGO PAYS WELL and requires ZERO QUALIFICATIONS other than belonging to a STEELBAND.
I am pretty sure that once the TAKE OVER unfolds -- Gregory Lindsay will get pushed to the side!!! At which time I will have to join forces with him as the STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL POWER continues ABOVE AND BEYOND the PROGRESS OF PAN!!!
Claude many in PanTrinbago have said to ALL who have ears, the present administration has to go.
Many have said the same about former Administrations (including this present administration ,but ALL it was about ,was the personalities) and as a result the incoming Administrations have suffered from the same defects,resulting in you and others sharing your disgust,pains,suggestions,complaints,ideas, toute bagai,and I am quite positive,no one cared to bat an eye at any of those.
Are we then to continue with the same modus operandi and expect a different result??
A change of personalities ONLY,will most likely result in you wearing out the lettering on hundreds of keyboards.
What CIP is attempting to do, is raise the awareness of Steelbands,ask them to proactively participate in the business of Pan ,agitate for Institutional changes,discuss ways to improve the product. Steelbands must be motivated to actively participate in their Organization,and the Organization has to much,much more than an Events Management Committee.
Like I said before CIP weeks old,don't have any high priced advisors,celebrated legal luminaries,or/and wealthy donors,but we are putting in the effort to take the Pan forward.
When I write,I am attempting to bring clarity to those who are not aware of all that's happening on the ground.
Claude, I am hopeful that CIP agrees to maintain it's core goals,and always be willing to assist or resist any new administration......CIP focus should always be the progress of Steelbands,players,communities, to create the product you are dying for,if that dovetails with the Executive desire,then so much the better.
AND YES!,there are those with POLITICAL ambitions who attend CIP meetings.
In Pan!
Oswald, I hope the CIP realize the importance of the Steelband involvement in Carnival, anyone not sharing this vision should not be representing the Steelband, the road is in it's DNA.
Let us not sell the Steelband short, there has to be a way for the Steelband to capitalize on the revenue carnival brings.
We have to get the Steelbands out of the panorama funk and have them doing something for themselves, we have to convince them that All Stars is real and they all can do it too, show them All Stars success comes from Management + Players + Supporters.
Bringing a band on the road gives a sense of pride and accomplishment.
That CIP is NOT about seizing power.
CIP has no SLATE of Candidates.
Campaigning is NOT entertained at our meetings.
CIP recognizes that the RAPID growth PT needs,means the removal of ANY and ALL the obstacles,parasites,and /or mental paralysis that afflicts the Pan body presently.
That CIP group is made up of mostly PanTrinbago members,which other concerned individuals being asked/or volunteering, to assist.
That Mr Diaz and the remaining members of the PT Executive are quite free to join our discussion.
CIP knows that the PT cannot ONLY meet to discuss an Event,Eg: Panorama,Elections.
CIP intends to broaden the conversations among bands/communities and GROTT.
CIP intends to be part of the National discussion on CRIME,because Steelbands can and they do keep many youths involved in a positive activity,and it's possible to do more.
The longest rope has and end.(One has to be hopeful that there is not a noose at the end.)
CIP understands any new PT administration has a tremendous task ahead.
CIP knows that there are many hidden issues that would obstruct a new administration.
CIP knows that PAN need the assistance of ALL those who are willing to contribute to Steelbands/Communities and Pan development.
CIP knows that Steelbands leadership must be much more proactive in PanTrinbago affairs.
CIP knows we DON'T have all the answers,and we asking those who have the answer/s to many questions we have,to please come forward, and "DO SOMETHING FOR PAN"
CIP knows the longest journey starts with a single step.
Thanks Cecil!
Hello Claude.
Hopefully WST posters would motivate us to do better.
So...what was all the talk about "signing the petition" about?...Pray tell?...
merrytones," signing the petition" is ONE item on CIP's agenda,because many feel this present administration is too tainted,and is definitely not going to take us forward.
CIP is asking bands who feel likewise to sign the petition,attend the meeting that Petition would generate,and vote "YES" to the Resolution.
CIP is also asking bands to attend CIP meetings and voice their concerns,share their ideas,and participate in group discussions/forums.
Please remember CIP does not have ALL the answers,but we are hopeful that others would come aboard and help propel PT forward rapidly.
This is about WE not I.
Can someone name one thing that Pan Trinbago has accomplished in the last six years?
THE HISTORICAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE & PANORAMA!!! Conceived and brought to fruition by the RIGHT HONOURABLE KEITH DIAZ. I will be contacting MY PRESIDENT momentarily to request a list of his accomplishments in the last SIX YEARS. But I can assure you in advance that the list is EXTREMELY LONG.
If the CIP came into power I can assure you that they could never rise to this level of GLOBAL SHOWCASE for the STEELBAND.
I wonder how that PETITION TO UNSEAT my president is coming? Who is the leader?
You need to get your fearless leader an accountant. He has problems balancing books. And that laughter you are hearing every-time Pan Trinbago's name is mentioned, is the Global Showcase your buddy has achieved. NOT!
Pan Trinbago is still operating with an outdated model for its business operations.They need a complete makeover to advance into the 21st century. You must be willing to outgrow what no longer fits.
We are living in a new media/information/digital age.
There's this saying education is freedom, once you know better you can DO better.
Here's an example what others are doing to advance music on PAN while conducting their business...