With all the plans on the way for Expats to do this and that I did not observe any discussion as the what we should or should not get involved in. All pan people want to do something for pan but this should be well thought through. Just saying.

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  • Are you all serious about this idea at all? Did anyone at least try to register the name Expats and Locals for Pan? How about the setting up of the account where contributions would be sent? Is this "ah under de mango tree lime talk" or will this idea come to fruition? What method will be used for selecting the steelbands, how many stellbands, type of music played, studio recording or live show? What, no iron in pan? 

    • We want we Pan Ramajay...

      Mighty Terror - Tribute To Pan Ramajay

    • Inez: This is an "aside" discussion apart from the "Expats and Locals for Pan" -- okay.

      I can assure you that this is not "ah under de mango tree lime talk" since much action is going on down in Trinidad to move the project forward. You will not be disappointed. The project will take time to develop and all the pieces will fall into place in proper sequence. We will not all agree on the final product but it is a starting point to a GRANDER VISION which you will appreciate.

      You can send me an email at musicfromthetropics@yahoo.com and I will keep you in the loop!


  • odw, the iron is a part of the "sound of steel"

    • I agree, if the goal and mission is for the Xpats to fund and Locals produce, should we dictate what kind of music we want to hear, or who we want to arrange a classic, calypso, jazz or panorama piece, which steel band can best showcase the instruments and its music? If so, we can take the Codrington Pan Family as the Ist choice for this live event.

      • odw, The Codrington Pan Family is the best thing they have in T&T...................after doubles.

      • Ah want that tall tenor pan player (next to the congas) in my TOP 20 Silver Stars Pan Yard Production that I outlined earlier!!

  • i don't see all these plans on the way for Expats to do this and that -- I see ONE PLAN on the way and that is the planning of a PAN SHOW down in Trinidad which is going to be recorded. And I do believe that it is being well thought through. Well, at least a lot of planning and effort is going in to it. Maybe the thoughts are wrong, but if some seasoned pan lovers and pan leaders down in Trinidad cannot put on a decent PAN SHOW -- then we best go plant peas in Tobago.

    Dr. Nyomba posed the question about an alternative way to do something for pan but nobody bit on that suggestion. Like I said in another post: With 15,000 members and all this talent on the forum -- we should have three projects running at any given time. And everybody has always been free to advocate for their own cause.  I have asked about the music and talked about the music and mostly criticized the lack of music for years. And most of the posters on the forum have been begging for shows beyond Panorama for years.

    So if a group down in Trinidad wants us to join and make some music -- that is my cup of tea. Or mind kinda spliff to put it another way (marijuana is no longer illegal in California so they cannot lock me up for saying that). I may not even like the songs they select for the performance or the size of the band. I will be vex if they put IRON in the steelband. But those are not my decisions to make.

    The initial agreement was that THE FORUMITES (EXPATS) FUND and the LOCALS PRODUCE. Since this is producing music and I have advocated for that for years -- I am willing to put extra effort into the project. But everybody is free to step in and contribute to their level of comfort.

    I get the feeling that a lot of people are seeing this as a ONE and DONE project. Personally, I think this little stream could lead to a big river of PAN MUSIC and philanthropy encircling our HOMELAND. Maybe that last sentence is not well thought through but I have believed that for years knowing the talent pool that frequents this forum.

    Now a lot of people are caught up in the theory but I believe that more is lost from I-N-A-C-T-I-O-N than from A-C-T-I-O-N!

    So leh we go with the show!

    • How about having the National Steel Symphony Orchestra produce a CD or a live show with the selections you have in mind? Support and funding from the Culture Division of T&T will be helpful no iron in the band with the G-Pans.

      • In today's world the BARON VERSION of the song would be better to cover!

        Nice pan piece towards the end. But again you cannot have your vocalist scatting over the pan solo (basic rule broken here) and the pan is almost good except it is thrown in there like a last minute idea and not placed at the proper distance from the mike. And not quite my timbre. But it was good.


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