Some of us feel that because a subject was spoken off before there is no reason to bring it up again, this only applies when there was a solution , if not the dialogue MUST continue

Case and point is the World Governing Body,  they are going about their business as if they have a mandate from the steelbands, in my opinion there is no mandate because there was no election.

Using their lawyers to manipulate the legal system in order to stay in power might be a good tactic but it only shows that for a price you can have things go your way in the Mecca.

They use PT funds to pay their lawyers, if this is OK then they should make available the same amount of funds for the opposition, just to level off the playing field.

As Pan People we still have a voice, lets not fall into the trap of "waiting on the courts" the court is asleep lets wake it up, keep up the pressure on the media on the politicians wake up the government, the steelband want leadership, NOW.

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  • Let's not kid ourselves into thinking that if we remove this body that another would be different, i.e. having integrity and all the other watchwords that govern everything in T&T. We remove ABC from power and put DEF, then we remove DEF and put back ABC, then we remove ABC and put back DEF. Nothing changes but time. It is the culture of T&T, a rock called corruption..

    • Patrick,

      I hear what you are saying, it is difficult to accept the fact that there is no hope.

      • I wish we could get some of those people that discussed the use of the word "panist and pannist"to discuss the rule of the World Governing Body, I think they could surely add to this ongoing topic.

  • I'm sure that many look at this topic as beating a dead horse, but each day that goes by shows total disregard toward pan people, it also shows what type of respect the powers that be have for the National Instrument.

  • Very Good Topic Cecil. ALL ATTENTION should be focused on what the executive of Pan Trinbago do now! You are so right, they have no MANDATE to do anything!

  • Good Morning to you Jerry and greetings,

    I'm just like you bro. nothing much was said about it in the forum and members stop asking.

  • Morning Cecil and greetings. 

    I may have missed a couple posts, but I can't remember seeing anything posted on the meeting that took place at the Town Hall in T&T just after the Carnival this year. I believe it was to deal with setting up a Ministry of Pan and some other suggestions that were brought up about the running of the pan system... still, I have not read any reports or seen any mention of the results of the meeting. Any updates ?

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