Circa 1934 in Trinidad, when only rhythms were being beaten on the "tamboo bamboo", bottle and spoon, etc. - (the British having banned outright the beating of African drums in 1931), and the Steelpan had not yet come into being, Neville Jules was
Producer, author and noted on-air broadcaster Von Martin shares another important documentary on the pan from his archives. This time we meet Pan Pioneer Hugh Borde.
Head of Caribbeana Communications Inc. Von Martin shares one of his many interviews
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Ten steel orchestras in the Medium band finals of Trinidad & Tobago’s annual National Panorama had their musical say on the night of Sunday February 16, 2020. They faced judges Joanna Ragbir, Lennox London, Roger Sardinha,
“Once the music is in motion, the drummer is the ‘conductor’ of a Panorama arrangement - not the person in front of the band, whose role is more theatrical. Great Panorama drummers have a combination of finesse, awareness and power. They ‘captain’ th
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - What began as a sunny and windy afternoon greeted pan players and attendees alike when the Panorama 2020 Semi-finals aka “Savannah Party” got started shortly after 1:00 p.m. local time, with Trinidad Valley Harps first up.
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Eleven large steel orchestras from the original fourteen semi-finalists withstood the musical test in the large category and are through to the Trinidad & Tobago’s National 2020 Panorama finals, to be held at the same venue
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. From Sunday February 2 to Wednesday 5, 2020, seventeen Large Conventional steel orchestras will face their category judges in a bid to fill fourteen coveted spots in the semi-finals round of the National Panora
Global- The first few images in “The Illustrated Story of Pan” (288 pages) that jumped up and grabbed my eyeballs seemed eerily familiar. It wasn’t the six or seven young men scratching out the early rhythm of the steel band on paint pans, biscuit dr
Tobago’s Uptown Fascinators With Arranger Ojay Richards Capture Title
Uptown Fascinators Steel Orchestra out of sister isle Tobago bested thirteen co-competitors to clinch the championship and trophy in the 2020 Small conventional steel orchestra fi