Steelpan players will get their money by the end of the month. That’s the latest word from a representative of the National Carnival Commission ( NCC) who said the money will be realeased so that each player at the preliminary stage of the competitio
Global: The Trinidad and Tobago large band Panorama category is the most prestigious (rightfully so), respected, and accomplished steel orchestra assemblage in all the world. Their panorama music masterpieces are nothing short of remarkable; moreove
This is big news for Cecil. And for me: Somebody is finally talking about MARKETING STEELBAND MUSIC. But they still need a lot of help from the EXPATS and I don't know if they even know that!!!
"It is also the foundation's objective to include bands
New York, USA - Recently while a significant portion of the global steelpan community was fully engaged with the happenings and grand performances of Trinidad and Tobago’s national Panorama competition—the greatest percussion event on earth and Supe
“Musicians play music to uplift people, but every once in a while it's the musician that is in need of 'spiritual uplifting' the most....thankful for a great night in Tamshui Taiwan! ❤” ... Jonathan Scales
The bomb tunes of the 60s was one of the high points of the Steelband thus far, we have moved so far from that it's hard to visualize that there was such a period.
What have we done to the steelband in the name of progress.
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Panorama/Carnival 2017 came and left, in spite of all the shenanigans of different individuals who believe, that this thing through which we find an avenue for our soul expression, is about them. It is not about anyone, and
When Steel Talks extends congratulations to Trinidad All Stars Steel Orchestra and Pan Elders Steel Orchestra, on their 2017 Panorama large and medium championships respectively.
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Three steel orchestras in three categories shone brighter, musically speaking, than the others, in the ears and eyes of the judges at Trinidad & Tobago’s annual Junior National Panorama. Even the rain during the show did no