Watch Live -- Winston 'Mighty Shadow' Bailey Funeral Service
LIVE: Funeral service for Calypso Legend, Winston 'Mighty Shadow' Bailey at the Queens Park Savannah.
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LIVE: Funeral service for Calypso Legend, Winston 'Mighty Shadow' Bailey at the Queens Park Savannah.
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(May – 1999)
William Blake a British philosopher- a poet who lived in the period 1757-1827 wrote the following words in one of his poems: “O see a world in a grain of sand/And heaven in a wild flower/Hold infinity in the palm of your hand/And eterni
Read more…Yesterday October 4th was the birthday of the Mighty Shadow. When Steel Talks extends greetings and continued good fortune to you.
ZP_The Mighty Shadow_photograph by Abigail Hadeed
Shadow's "Dingolay" as arranged by the late, great Clive Bradley, is considered by many to be one of his great masterpieces. The year is 1992, and Metro Steel Orchestra, under the musical guidance of Bradley, has won two consecutive New York panoram
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