Trinidad and Tobago Steelband Panorama and Carnival Schedule 2020
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Winner of Last Year's Canadian Pan Alive Competition Representing Canada in International Competition and Performing Twice in Toronto Next Week!
Canada - Pan Fantasy Steelband steps up to the challenge to represent Toronto, Canada at the
The Oklahoman
Oklahoma, USA - Sante Fe South Charter Schools seeks a truck sponsor for its steel drum band. The band, Pandemic, is made up of the high school’s top students.
Santa Fe South High School is alive with the sound of percussion music.
Trinidad and Tobago Newsday
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Success Stars Pan Sounds of Laventille has been invited back to Atlanta, Georgia, USA for more performances, after leaving patrons speechless when they performed at Centennial Olympic Park last
Hello WST and Pan on the Net community!
Six years ago, I fell in love with pan. Since then I have dedicated myself to growing as a panist and learning everything I can about the history and culture of Trinidad and Tobago and the steelband movement. I