But then BOOGSIE SHARPE and BERTEL GITTENS and CECIL HINKSON and EARL RICHARDS and a bunch of other BANDWAGON JUMPERS started pushing the WOMAN IS BOSS emotion and BEVERLEY started gaining momentum.

So -- with a keen political eye and his mind set on his dream of becoming PRESIDENT OF PAN TRINBAGO and seeing the strong cast of candidates in that election -- GERARD MENDEZ decided to hold his hand and take an indirect route to the PRESIDENCY. He surveyed the field of candidates employed the old adage : "if you cannot beat them join them" and threw his lot in with BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE.

And BEVERLEY won and became PRESIDENT and MENDEZ won and became TREASURER.

From day one I kept warning BEVERLEY that she cannot come from TOBAGO to TRINIDAD, never lime in a rum shop and drink rum with the boys, never sit down and play some ALL FOURS or gamble with the boys from TOWN or COUNTRY -- and expect to outplay these guys in the PAN POLITICS.

So within a matter of MONTHS, GERARD MENDEZ started to UNDERMINE BEVERLEY -- ostensibly over the VEE PEE ISSUE but strategically to weaken her image in the PUBLIC DOMAIN and give himself a better chance of becoming PRESIDENT in 2021. Well, things worked out better for him than expected as you can see from the CHAOS that now infests THE EXECUTIVE.

Given the current crisis in the EXECUTIVE, GERARD MENDEZ wasted NO TIME running out there and exposing as much of the current corruption as he could get his hands on and in the process LAUNCHED his own team and campaign for the 2021 ELECTIONS -- while sitting right in the heart of the current PAN TRINBAGO EXECUTIVE. Some may call that SUBVERSION!!!

But the real kicker is that KEITH DIAZ (sitting on the sidelines -- bored and broke) decided to get back  in the game by joining forces with GERARD MENDEZ and CARLON HAREWOOD and DANE GULSTON and form a coalition to BEAT BEVERLEY in the UPCOMING ELECTIONS. And from what I heard -- BEVERLEY is RUNNING SCARED ... BIG TIME.

She beat LAWFORD DUPRES easily based on RACE (PAN is an AFRO THING) but when she comes up against GERARD MENDEZ -- race will not be a factor. It is going to be THE GOOD OLD PAN BOYS against a failed INTERLOPER from TOBAGO. Plus, DIAZ and MENDEZ have DIRECT ACCESS to ALL THE PAN YARDS and they have long lasting personal relationships with most of the STEELBAND DELEGATES. So BEVERLEY is quaking in HER BOOTS.

I warned her and warned her but she WOULD NOT LISTEN. And she lacked THE GUTS to make the tough EXECUTIVE POSITION and FIRE THOSE THREE HARD BACK TROUBLE MAKERS. Save all the CONSTITUTION TALK for somebody else.

Anyway, I am willing to work for TEAM GERARD MENDEZ leading the PROPAGANDA ARM of the PARTY. In return, when we win, I want a nominal title in PAN TRINBAGO and an email address as an employee of PAN TRINBAGO; and I want the rights to produce and market a GREATEST HITS PANORAMA CD to do some GLOBAL TEST MARKETING for the PANORAMA PRODUCT.

So MR. MENDEZ: I am on YOUR TEAM -- just say the word and I am READY TO START WORKING. All I need is a signed contract from you cementing my TWO DEMANDS!!!

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