2018 VOICE



You almost have to be a ONE HIT WONDER to reach to that PINNACLE!!!

And the STEELBANDS take the song and PLAY IT FOR FREE and make their MILLION DOLLARS and they probably get ROYALTIES from RADIO PLAY of THE STEELBAND VERSION of THE SONG.

(Help meh out here MARCUS ASH, you should actually come on THIS FORUM and give us a LECTURE -- for FREE ... LOL -- on the ROYALTIES STRUCTURE with PAN in TRINIDAD because you are an EXPERT in that field.)

So I stand with SKINNY BANTON on that DEMAND (true or false). Just like 5STAR AKIL and ULTIMATE REJECTS burned bright and then faded from that scene -- so too will SKINNY BANTON. I am sure that I will never live to see him reach that LEVEL OF PAN ever in my life again.

These SOCA ARTISTES deserve COMPENSATION for their WORK!!! At least AH LIL $5000!!!


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  • I know that this is an OLE TALK FORUM and nothing is going to change down in THE MECCA.

    But, for starters, PANORAMA is a PAN TRINBAGO PRODUCT. So PAN TRINBAGO could take responsibility and table the issue and come up with a plan for FAIR COMPENSATION to the COMPOSERS. They dole out MILLIONS across the board to the STEELBANDS -- they could pinch back a FEW THOUSANDS for THE COMPOSERS on a SLIDING SCALE ... many options abound.

    (AQUIL ARRINDELL and OSWALD ALEXANDER already come on THIS FORUM and show long lists of all the people who does PROFIT from the GOVERNMENT PANORAMA ALLOCATION -- and ah never see CALYPSO COMPOSERS on that list yet. One little addition will not break the bank and could really provide INCENTIVE for even better PANORAMA SONGS from both the COMPOSERS and the STEELBANDS THEMSELVES. If an arranger could add 5 MINUTES OF MUSIC to a THREE MINUTE SONG -- he should be able to COMPOSE HIS OWN SONG -- well ah know it is a little more complex than that  ... but it should all be on the TABLE.)

    If ah tell yuh that ah stand up outside CALYPSO TENTS with CALYPSO COMPOSERS and watch them beg SINGERS (for whom they composed songs) for a TWENTY or FORTY DOLLARS when the singers come off stage and walking out the yard -- yuh go tell me ah LIE and how ah NEVER LIVE in TOBAGO.

    So ah stopping right here!!!

    And, by the way, I (heartbrokenly) went back and listen to DESPERADOES and I have to admit that they did a very good job on the song. And I don't know why DUVONE DISTRACTED himself with "THAT WOMAN (a little BILL CLINTON) on the stage while he should have been focused on THE BAND. I felt like that distraction cost him the TITLE!!!

    But why am I talking about PAN? I am here to REPRESENT CALYPSO COMPOSERS and make sure that they GET PAID for their work -- even in an OLE TALK ENVIRONMENT!!!

    However, since we reach this far -- YOU and WHENSTEELTALKS should arrange for MARCUS ASH to come on THIS FORUM and EXPLAIN the whole STEELBAND & CALYPSO ROYALTIES TING in TRINIDAD ... and this part of the posting is NOT OLE TALK!!! I have been wondering how DAT TING works down there since SCRUNTER sing "SING IN SHE PARTY -- FOR FREE!!!"

    • Well if you're really talking about Pan Trinbago as the host of the event being responsible for all license fees and taxes, I'm with you on that. 

      Panorama arrangers are not "arrangers' in the traditional sense. They are composers.


  • Claude 

    All businesses are about the ability to collect for services rendered or products used. Outside of the Big Five or Eight how and what do you plan to collect from a band that may never make it out of their panyard for the prelims?


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