Look Trouble Now!

Word on the ground is that the rebels suffered a concussion as the gangstas mount a counter attack and vow to fight to the death. Reinforcements spotted moving in for the rebels from North, South, East and Tobago. NCC Boss looking for a helmet.  Rolly Polly out of hospital. I wonder if he is leading the charge? 


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  • The original Bad Boy... Blakie self defence

  • Man want to bring in ALL KINDA RECYCLED LEADERS with stagnant and antiquated ideas instead of facing the GLOBAL CHALLENGE and looking for PROGRESSIVE LEADERSHIP. Dey show dey hand too soon (the usual Trinidad arrogance) so ah wish KEITH DIAZ tear up the resignation letter I wrote for him and come back and jam dem hard now!!!

  • bugs: Ah hope your word on the ground IS CORRECT!!! The way I see these REBELS lining up to PLUNDER PAN TRINBAGO just like the GANGSTERS -- I am going to encourage my client NOT TO STEP DOWN but rather to bring in 107 PAID AND DELIVERED DELEGATES tomorrow and bury the REBELS.

    I had a PLEA BARGAIN DEAL all written up for my client and all that stuff. But we are going to defend the FORT and fight off the REBELS.

    GREED AND CORRUPTION on one side and GREED AND MORE GREED on the other side. Make yuh pick!!!

    • Just in Rolly Polly is indeed leading the charge. NCC Boss not running anything. 


      • How is that for a PLOT TWIST?????

  • NCC controlling all the money for panorama, I don't see how PT can affect anything now.

    • There is still money from the sponsors, the greens and the North Stands company posses. At let's not forget the kickbacks from the nutsman. Cecil you forgot who handing out the contracts? Kickbacks gangsta style.

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