
This is not Pan related, but I could not resist.. After-all, music is built on math, what next...


If you thought grade-school math was easy -- think again. Thanks to national Common Core standards, simple arithmetic isn't so simple anymore:

Virginia's currently one of only six states yet to adopt these Common Core standards.

PARENTS: Do you want to see these implemented in your child's classroom?

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  • Living proof that all change might not be GOOD change.

  • I agree Brenda. As a teacher and a mathematician, this is NOT how I teach my students. And yes. ... They are EXTREMELY successful!
  • Kids today will learn anything you put in front them. The big joke here is grown educated people sat down and come up with this new method.

  • WTH.......  this is why the US schools are so behind schools in the UK, Europe and the being setup to fail with math that makes no "Common" sense......another reason why music theory is so important.

  • Most new ways are always beyond my understanding.

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