One of my biggest disagreements with pan people , even on this forum is based on different perceptions of the art-form , and its role in culture and society.
From the beginning , some has seen the steelpan and everything related to it , including the players, as commodities to be developed, with the idea of exporting them to foreign lands for international recognition and revenue.
As a result , bands routinely went abroad , sometimes never to return.
Meanwhile , we've been busy trying to export the technology worldwide , to places like Africa , for example.
There may be some merit to this approach , but I prefer a different model.
My idea would be to make Trinidad the true Mecca of the Steelpan.
We should be encouraging visitors and tourists to T&T , to enjoy and participate in a unique steelband experience.
Pans made and tuned in Trinidad should set the standard worldwide , and a "Made in Trinidad' stamp on a pan should guarantee excellence , like the Stradivarius label on a violin.
As regards to the carnival , this time should best be exploited to promote and advertise the Steelband , and I still think that the best time and place for highest visibility would be on the streets , not in the savannah.
Competitions like Panorama and Music festivals should be internationalized , with victories in these competitions establishing bands with international credibility as the best in the world.
Trinidad is the one place on the planet capable of having the biggest steelband festivals in the world , with the most large , high quality steelbands to be found anywhere.
We should take advantage of this by making Trinidad the true Mecca of pan , where visitors would be guaranteed the best, most unique Steelband experience on this planet.
And also be able to purchase an original ,quality "Made in Trinidad " pan to take home!
Also some consideration of communication with and support for those expats who are striving to make a living or promoting the steel pan in other regions
If we could have Panorama and a band on the road for carnival this will have a positive impact on the growth of the steelband. There are a few things that can be done to bring the steelband ALIVE if only steelband management and supporters in the Mecca could show interest. There is NO love for this part of our culture and the irony is it's what make our country unique.
Thousands of EXPATS have promoted and advertised STEELBAND MUSIC for decades AROUND THE WORLD. Entire lives dedicated to exposing and popularizing the instrument wherever EXPATS traveled. Millions of tourists (over the decades) have been introduced to STEELBAND MUSIC in the TOURIST DRAWING ISLANDS. And later entertained by STEELBAND MUSIC performed by EXPATS in their homes and offices and schools.
We would like to be considered the Mecca of pan, yet for most of the year our pan-yards are empty and silent.,
Pan yards could be pan theatres where bi-weekly or monthly concerts or recitals can be held (for an entrance fee of course). These concerts would serve to bring communities together to enjoy the national instrument, hone player skills and provide added revenues for the bands and their players.
I admit to having purely selfish reasons for this suggestion. Can't get enough pan!