The art, the dance, the Pan - When will they reappear?
by Dalton Narine
Global - A Trojan horse has invaded our annual ritual, just like that.
I had planned on writing a piece about Pan and the instrument’s supposed loneliness in the Mas (The Carnival is Over) in time for Panorama Finals week. So I understand the massive outpouring of the nation’s bizarre outcry of passion, but I own a different belief regarding my take and experiences.
I’ll leave the inner sanctum of Pan Trinbago’s president, Pan’s yardies and the current mind-blowing brouhaha to the Alices in Wonderland and their faux animal characters speaking in caustic tongues of the human language.
Dr. Batson’s raw input from the grass roots could be relative to corporate sustainability.
“We need to see some returns for Government and sponsors and players, she hints. “It’s not a sustainable business model at the moment. Some people are striving to create that. To tap into the energy and drive of young people and university graduates.
“At the end of the day, some aren’t paying their light bills. As you go through life, you see a more defined program. You see more things happening and you become jaded. We need to open our minds to people of all ages and walks of life to a different experience.
“Self-sustenance, the ability to continue in a healthy state without outside assistance is not a science of satisfaction but a monetary gain. All the Panoramas should be celebrated for the future. Tuners are growing old, a natural progression.
A lot of work needs to be accomplished, Dr. Batson says.
Hear Smooth:
“Life is about changing the era. Right now, it is about youths. If you stay by what you know, you won’t get to move with the times.” Flexibility, I remember having a conversation with a friend about CHANGE, he said to me think about how hard it is to change yuh-self , then think how hard it is to change somebody-else. CHANGE can start from the bottom-UP; we are doing our kids a dis-service in PAN.
This is what stands out about Dr. Batson, met her in Atlanta at a Pan symposium, she brought along her students from Miami, their energy, enthusiasm and excitement, she a teacher and mother-figure to them.
David Rudder - Dedication
Robert Greenidge steeldrums
odw, you're spot on about CHANGE. A few stages of change come to mind. The most apropos, I recall, is preparation, action and maintenance. Also, motivation will always trump desperation. Thank you for your input
Thankful to you for your artistic writings…my concern is WHAT constitutes CHANGE, for some it’s what precipitates a crisis, the foresight to take in front before IN FRONT takes you, took me back to your post on International Steelband Foundation and where do we go from here?
How the BIG5 panned out and breathed new life into the culture
International Steelband Foundation
When the likes of a Dr. Batson is working with Pan Trinbago they might stand a chance.
Good bet, Bugs.
Dr. Batson is a throughly influential music educator and more.
Great article Dalton
I find it amazing that someone with the talent and know-how of a Dr. Batson has not been contacted by Pan Trinbago. They are truly a jokey organization. Hopefully, the Big Five will secure the talents and brilliance of Dr. Batson for their foundation.