
  • Ouch! Well, the song is identifiable, I'll give him that. I watched some of his other videos, and they're all like this. I have to wonder about the enthusiastic testimonials on his website. But many of them praise his "energy," which he clearly does have plenty of. By the way, his site says he's from Grenada, but his mother is from Trinidad.

    I would hope that this fellow's performances wouldn't be someone's ONLY impression of what pan can be. Anyone with an internet connection, at least, can always dig deeper, if they think there might be something worth finding.

  • Is this fella really in his right mind????.

    • a Word of advice to all those back home who want to eat ah food as they like to put it, this is how low you have to sink.

      But at least he got off his Butt and did something about it. Even though he can't play, he can only beat.

      At one time I would have said he's probably Jamaican, but after hearing so much reggae being played in Trinidad and even more in Tobago, I could not with hand on heart call him a Jamaican.

      He obviously watched a lot of Panorama performances in recent years, alot of the front line players seem to think they can dance and play too.

      Ha Ha!



    • I know if he was in trinidad, he have a "buss head for sure"

      • Bede, Ah bet yuh he's not ah Trini, How he looks offend me more than how he is playing. [beating]

        • Cecil, He probably trying to mimic them fellas up front on the Panorama stage where they dancing,  carrying on and PLAYING the pan, He is BEATING the pan and PLAYING the *** lol

          • That is NOT what we meant back in the day when it was not considered politically incorrect to say "beatin' pan".

            And yes, Bede , you can say it," BEATING the pan and PLAYING the ASS"

  • wow! I agree with all of you, but the guilty are always innocent until proven guilty (lol)

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