Image result for marcus ash trinidad"

You won some FRIENDS and you INFLUENCED some PEOPLE last night with your encyclopedic knowledge of the PAN FRATERNITY. And don't talk about your IN-DEPTH understanding of PANORAMA ARRANGEMENTS and your ability to disseminate your complex analysis in LAYMAN'S TERMS.

Please come and TAKE A BOW.

Cecil Hinkson and Earl Richards and the rest of the 20,000 members of WHEN STEEL TALKS would be thrilled to have you come on and acknowledge our DEEP APPRECIATION OF your BROADCAST BRILLIANCE!!!

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  • Is doctor Dolly going to pay for this?

    Hell yeah!3739547203?profile=RESIZE_710x

    Pan judges sit in middle of road

    All-female band takes in men

    Pan Elders - Party Time

    Steelband Panorama Finals Medium Bands Champions 2015

    • ODW: Is doctor Dolly going to pay for this?

      Hell yeah!

      • ODW & Claude

        If you go back and look at the opening remarks from President Bev and Dr. Dolly, you will see that the Doctor was very upset at the no show of people to the event. All I heard from her speech is "I'm not paying for this foolish experiment".  And the Bev was so emotional at the no show, sounded to be like she was ready cry. Some real fear and reality has to sinking in to Pan Trinbago this morning.

        They can't handle the job. And they can't make the smart decisions. And nobody likes them except Cecil and bunch of old men on facebook who have nothing to lose. 


  • But the show was a failure. Nobody was there. 

    Sandy Rosewood says, "the turnout last night was so poor for the single pan finals, I think it should be moved back to its regular time within the season".

    How can an organization 100 million dollars in dept make this kinds of economic boo boos?

    Is doctor Dolly going to pay for this?

    Instead of holding two Single Pan panoramas in one year, it should have been cancelled for at least the next 5 years. Or at least until the organization is on a good financial footing.

    Who asked for more single pan bands panorama anyway?

    The Small Band Panorama has the potential to be another financial failure.

    We won't even talk about the Medium band panorama experiment.

    I hope the Big5 take the large bands panorama away from Pan Trinbago before they damage the golden goose.



    • self...How yuh could say the people final was a failure?...After they even sponsor a band a drum set and ensure that they make the finals too....That alone is a success...Plus they had a few players who appear with about half the bands in the competition...But then again we expected that after Madamme President admit that she eh have no system in place to ensure one-man-one band...And they the story continues from tomorrow night when crackshots and others proceed to the Small bands hoping to achieve dey lil 8 minutes on stage in mid January...Look at it this way...At least it will be less bands deal with come Final night...

      • Well Merrytones

        Joyce Samuels  says ...I watched the stream last night but it were so many bands they started sounding similar I fell asleep near the end...


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