Matter of Concern

Matter of Concern

This have been bothering me for some time now. If your not sitting in public office or don’t have a genuine interest or mutual support in being an integral part of the political affairs for the Pan Fraternity, I would suggest that you shouldn’t publicize information which was led by perception. I haven’t once yet seen anyone commend the new Central Excutive of Pan Trinbago Inc. for making such a big step from moving from their old head quarters into their new one. Which helped them to save the expenditure of a couple million dollars well, I know the fine details but it’s not what I want to mainly focus on. So I Chuma Watson commend you’ll for that and wish you’ll continued guidance, health, intellect and strength towards a paradigm shift to bring back the organization on its own two feet. It’s not an easy one and the reality is that nothing can happen overnight but my belief in you’ll gives me the courage to look on the positive side of things that you’ll would surely see the light at the end of the tunnel. Stand firm and correct the wrongs on the past Central Excutive’s damage towards its membership and the organization.

Kind regards,
Chuma A.J Watson

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  • How was the "big step" accomplished? Tell us, give some details about the move from the old to the new place ? The "fine details" is what we want to know.

    • Lord have Mercy, Mercer!!! Ah leave this topic alone and yuh had to come an poke my JEP NEST!!!

      These people are so desperate for a WIN or any kind of RECOGNITION that it shows you how backward and small thinking they are!!!

      They get evicted for not PAYING THE RENT and then they had to beg ah INDIAN MAN for office space and a FREE YEAR'S RENT. And then they send some straggler to go and post about how they should be commended for having the foresight to find an office with LOWER RENTS resulting in MASSIVE SAVINGS for the CORPORATION. That is their BIG ACCOMPLISHMENT SO FAR. Boy, these people so far back ... ah better stop my thought right here ....

      Mercer: Why yuh had to come and start my engine on this posting. And then when people come and start cussing me -- you are not around to save me. Only Cecil Hinkson does always come and save me!!!

      TIMES have changed!!! And BEVERLEY lacks the socio-political and administrative skills to pull PAN TRINBAGO out of this FINANCIAL CRISIS!!!


      BEVERLEY DONE FAIL before she even get out of the gate!!!

      • I recognized why she neglected to mention the "fine details". It's the "Indian man" in an African ting. Ent?

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