Mayor: Lack of funding killing Sando Carnival

Trinidad Newsday

San Fernando Mayor Junia Regrello

“If this course of ac­tion by the NCC con­tin­ues along this path I am cer­tain the dis­rup­tion to Car­ni­val in San Fer­nan­do will progress to a point where there may not be Car­ni­val cel­e­bra­tions from a com­pe­ti­tion per­spec­tive and will ul­ti­mate­ly be the death of Car­ni­val in San Fer­nan­do,” Re­grel­lo said.

He added that South­ern-based steel­bands are mov­ing around “cap-in-hand” seek­ing fi­nan­cial as­sis­tance. He said two of the city’s large bands are op­er­at­ing with an al­lo­ca­tion of less than $500,000 which is in­clu­sive of trans­porta­tion.

“Heav­en help us.”

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