Capital Gazette - 

Meade High School's steel drum band, from left, first row: Michael Boyd, Megan Carter, Kaitlyn Cutler, Rebecca Sank and Hakim Hayes; second row: Julian Davis, Cabaret Goings, Ty'Quon Ricks, Maya Strudwick-Miller, Shaina Perry, Katelyn Coon and teacher Alex Scott. (Sharon P. Schultz / Correspondent)

The Meade High School steel drum band recently performed with Liam Teague, head of steelpan studies at Northern Illinois University.

Teague is the director of the Northern Illinois University Steelband. He has appeared in concert with Grammy Award-winning musicians and many of his compositions and arrangements have been published.

Teague appeared in concert with the Meade High steel drum band courtesy of the band’s director, Alex Scott.

“I contacted Liam Teague last June and asked him if he’d be interested in working with the group and performing alongside them,” Scott said. “I’ve only received positive feedback from the students about the whole experience. Bringing in Liam Teague this year makes me hope that we can establish the artist in residence model as an annual event for the group.”

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