Medium and Large Steel Orchestra Semi Finals

It will be pan ecstasy in the Savannah as twenty nine (29) steelbands take centre stage vying for coveted places in the grand finals.

Dubbed “The Savannah Party”, the National Panorama Semi Finals, Medium & Large” brings the crème de la crème of the steelbands in one of the most keenly contested music competitions.

In addition to the competition aspect, there’s The Greens’ Experience which continues to attract the “younger” set.

Fourteen (14) Medium and fifteen (15) Large Bands will compete on Sunday February 01st, 2015, at the “Big Yard”, Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain, from 12 noon. ( See playing order below)

Selections include current and past calypso music with thirteen (13 ) of the fifteen (15) Large bands opting for this year’s material

Unlike the Large Bands who went straight to the semis, the elimination round for Medium Bands was held in four zones over a three-day period with a total of twenty five (25) bands..

Tickets for the semi finals aka “Savannah Party” can be had at Cleve’s, Crosby’s, Electro Sounds, Ticket Booth at the Queen’ s Park Savannah, Port of Spain. Admission:North Stand and North Greens at $350. respectively and Grand Stand at $250.

Theme of the 2015 Panorama is “Reaching for the Stars….Pan in Ecstasy”.  

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