A Celebration of Women in Pan
“I am proud of the fact that there are still some people who genuinely love the instrument and just love to play. Those are the people that show that there is still hope for the art form. I am most proud of the fact that women have been allowed into this art form, for I have never found this much contentment. If ever I feel unhappy, arranging is my safe haven.”
In an exclusive interview with When Steel Talks - arranger, panist and entrepreneur Kimberli St. Clair unapologetically shares her intellect and unconditional love for the Steel Pan instrument, its music, and the art form.
A When Steel Talks Exclusive
- See more at: http://www.panonthenet.com/woman/2017/kimberli-st-clair.htm#sthash.GxFydrAL.dpuf
Power to you Kimberli"you are the best!!!