With all your knowledge and experience and dedication to the STEELBAND, you should consider starting a documentary project called "A STEELBAND LIFE" where you identify certain individuals across the PAN WORLD who have devoted their life to STEELBAND.

FILM has become very prolific in Trinidad over the last couple decades, so finding a video crew should not be too difficult.

You can design the project on paper and come up with a cost for a PILOT PRODUCTION and then you can pitch a few companies across the BUSINESS WORLD and get some funding for the first shoot of the series. Once you get that first EPISODE on TV, who knows what kind of BUZZ you can create and how much HELP may come in to continue the project.

I read that little piece on "BASSMAN" recently, and I found it rather compelling. So could you imagine the LIVE CHARACTER telling his "LIFE IN PAN" story.


One caveat: Don't hire BUGS -- the project will never get done!!! He is FAKE FILM DIRECTOR.

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  • merrytonestothebone: This could be YOU in the HOST CHAIR asking the questions.

  • Ey ey you Claude Gonzales...jest leave my pardner Bugs alone please...I thought you were supposed to get a grant from Rolly Polly and Co. to help him finish de documentary? De man simply needs a financier...
    Claude I did know from long long time that you never like me one bit...Right now I only have grey in meh beard...like you want meh whole head to tun silver now or what?...
    Just last might I did part two of an interview with four UWI students who are doing a project on the 'panyard' as a site for: Knowledge production; Self Awareness; Education; and Community Expressions....I was quite happy to share my knowledge and experience with them. They were quite shocked at the "real" picture...beyond Panorama...They were left in awe after finding out that "community bands" are a thing of the past and that largely involvement with a steel band now depends on how much money they are willing to pay...
    To be honest I am just one incurable optimist with a big mouth and heart...I don't mind assisting in any way with a project like the one you're suggesting, but I will shy away from any major role...

    • I know that the students at UWI are doing a lot of projects along those lines. But this project should be DIRECTED by someone who is OF THE PAN ILK -- not just trying to do a school project. What you could do is contact the most aggressive (and connected) student from that UWI team and lay out the project for them and then ask him/her to FLOWCHART their view of the production and then you can meld that with your own ideas.

      YOU ARE THE DIRECTOR -- doh shy away from that BIG WUK!!! Somebody who has been in the field and has the love for the STEELBAND like you will be needed to bring out the passion and reminiscence from the featured SOLDIERS.

      There is one PAN DEVOTEE out WEST here living in ARIZONA (Ansel Joseph) who is a good candidate/subject  for a project like this. Imagine yuh flying from Trinidad to Arizona (with a stop off in LAS VEGAS, of course) to produce an EPISODE ... KEITH DIAZ eh bigger than you.

      Time and chance: Yuh get the same message from two disparate sources (UWI and Me) in the space of 24 hours!!!

      Well, at least map out in your mind the format of the project. I will think about it some more too!!!

  • Claude you just trying to protect Rolly Polly and the gangatas with Alternative Facts.


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