Michael B. Jordan, hold your hand on changing the name J’OUVERT.
By Aquil Arrindell
Imagine a perfect world where two super entities amalgamate resources to mutually benefit, because together, the potential for profitability is multiplied exponentially. Well, we don’t have to imagine a perfect world for this to happen. It is all around us and it is most prevalent within a certain class of people and a certain race of people. Why is coming together important to them? The bottom line, in the true sense of the term, is money. So let us take a breath and re-evaluate.
The US actor, who played a lead role in the Black Panther movie, businessman Michael B. Jordan, through his Trinidadian business associate, launched his new rum called J’OUVERT. Due to push back from Trinbagonians, claiming cultural appropriation, Mr. Jordan issued an apology and promised to change the name.
As a pannist who participates in J’ouvert celebrations, the success of J’ouvert and Carnival means more money for our country, mainly through our entertainment industry, from the hard work of our cultural practitioners. Which should mean more profit for the people I represent, which is the steelpan community.
Based on what I am reading, the villain in this movie is ignorance and the hero is education. Mr. Jordan’s team and the majority of Trinbagonians who participate in J’ouvert did not have an in-depth knowledge of the origin and historical significance of the festival. Most of us Trinbagonians did not even know the meaning of the word J’ouvert. However, because of the controversy surrounding the branding of the product, it brought a great national awareness to our national community and education, the story’s hero, came to the rescue. The controversy also brought a huge awareness to the festival internationally which most likely would amount to some sought of small benefit from the attention. However, the narrative is still being written and we are the authors. What nexts? Are we going to let our differences keep us from uniting? Or, would the plot for this story become one of bringing together our people? Is there any relevance to the Black Panther’s movie plot to this story? Let us see.
Black Panther is about a highly advanced African kingdom, yes, but its core theme is Pan-Africanism, a belief that no matter how seemingly distant black people’s lives and struggles are from each other, we are in a sense “cousins” who bear a responsibility to help one another escape oppression. (Quoting from the Atlantic magazine article of February 21st, 2018,)
Based on statical source https://cso.gov.tt/tourism-statistics/
From 2016 to 2019 the country had an almost 50% decline on the Average Year Visitor Expenditure in Trinidad & Tobago during the Carnival season. According to different reports https://www.statista.com/statistics/814358/trinidad-tobago-carnival-visitor-spending/ in 2019, the monitory estimation was almost $400,000,000.00 (400 million) during the Carnival season. Therefore, if 2019 is a representation of half of what was made in 2016, we can logically estimate that in 2016 we made 800,000,000.00 (800 million). The question is, what can we do to stop the downward spiral and how can we bring back our profit to the 800 million mark? Can we use the brand of the superstars to help us through partnerships?
We won our first point which was “doh take up we thing and use it just so” and we are justified for it. So let us move past who was right or wrong. Let us have the conversation now on how these super entities, Michael B. Jordan and J’ouvert, can help each other. My humble suggestion to the Minister of Trade and Industry, the Honourable Paula Gopee- Scoon and the Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, the Honourable Randall Mitchell is to reach out and have the conversation. A successful Carnival means income for the country proper compensation for all cultural practitioners which includes the players of the steelpan.
To Michael B. Jordan, Nicki Minaj, Trinidad James, Rhianna and all the superstars of the world who continuously support our culture (Carnival) by promoting our brand, we love you. We want to encourage you all to keep coming to our Carnival, flying our flag and promoting our culture. As you all know, Carnival is a phenomenon, it is the greatest show on earth and you all will always be welcomed. You are family now and though we fight at times, through love and communication we resolve our issues, so let us give each other a chance.
Pan in meh blood
Aquil Arrindell
Well said Sir,
J’ouvert Rum
The problem with we Trinis is we don’t sit and think. But as soon as someone else thinks of an idea we automatically think “dey teefin’ we ting”. For days, years, decades, we hopelessly think the sun shines out of our backsides. The vast majority just sit on their hands and expect. We are un-aware of how best to make the most of what we have and make sure the world knows about it.
We are simply devoid of self-promotion. Steelpan, Calypso, Soca, Parang you name it, all suffer from a lack of promotion (in comparison to Reggae)
Then along comes a Black American with a great idea, an ambition to make money and voila! Instead of thinking how best can we make sure we are part of this? Or can we ensure there is a mention of Trinidad and Tobago carnival?
No, the lazy envious bastards start implying someone has attempted to steal their inheritance.
My point my question is “if you think you’re missing out then come up with a better idea yourself”.
Instead, you try to make effortless money trying to sell drugs. You go out and by imported goods.
In the UK the most popular rum in the last 6 years is Kraken a spiced rum. But did you know it was a Trinidad rum? It says so on the bottle.
So what if Angostura had a hand in it? In this J’ouvert Rum? Good on them. They’re a commercial enterprise. They are there to make a profit. Maybe the ones running dey mouth should buy shares in Angostura. Then do what what they do best.. sit on their hands but keep dey mouth shut.
I buy my rum from “My Trini Shop” online. I only buy Angostura Forres Park Puncheon, White Oak, 5 year old Superior Gold and White Rum Reserva. I don’t buy head ache rum like Bacardi, Lambs Navy, Captain Morgan or Wray & Nephew (unless I’m cooking).
This uproar has really got me angry.
SO WELL SAID Mr Arrindell: I posted the following at this site:
Could you imagine MB Jordan, in TNT for the 1st J'Ourvert after COVID? Could you imagine the exposure that could benefit a stone-cold tourist industry? And what about hotels and resorts - how could they tap into that year-round? Could you imagine the additional sales to Angostura even if he didn't? How long has J'Ourvert been in our culture and exactly how has it brought real benefit to TnT? We missed the opportunity, just as we did with pan!
In short, what we stand to get is 100% of ZERO. We have demonstrated to the world, once again, that we do not know how to recognize our points of value, especially the more subtle ones. Further, for those that are identified, we seem to lack what it takes to realize those values! Our national immune system continuously works on overdrive, destroying anything new that could bring value!
Reprieve: If it is not too late, make the man a citizen of TNT then start to discuss business with him.
An account of the start and development of J'ouvert celebrations.in Trinidad.
Aqui Arrindell I admire your response to this imbroglio. It is measured, pragmatic and responsible.
The potential for jouvert would have been limitless.
We as a people may have missed a golden opportunity to have our festival advertised to the world for free..
Maybe we prefer the misappropriation of scarce state funds to sell our festival, when we were getting it done for free.
Aquil, the young brother has moved on, he was not taking anything from y'all, as ah matter of fact he was promoting y'all.
Cecil: Ah doh like how we does THINK ALIKE on so many issues.
That ACTOR could go to BARBADOS or ANTIGUA and work out a deal with them ... as one person suggested on the GUARDIAN BLOG -- He could call it CROP OVER RUM and sell it to THE WORLD.
To make matters worse, THE WHOLE TRINIDAD ECONOMY GOING AND CRASH (and crime going and flourish) but all people could see is somebody trying to TIEF we CARNIVAL MONDAY MORNING LABEL.
Ah think ah going and get GUYANESE CITIZENSHIP!!! DEM OIL EH GOING AND SPOIL. If you see the progress going on down there and they are still in their FIRST YEAR of development.
How yuh doing? Ah thought yuh say yuh going and give up THE PAN TING!!!
"THE YOUNG BROTHER HAS MOVED ON" -- GOOD SUMMARY!!! Trinidad is NOT THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE -- when will they learn that!!!