Michelle Huggins-Watts
by Robbie Joseph
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - She is one of the world's foremost experts, educators and promoters of the steelpan instrument. Her name is synonymous with inspiring and guiding young musicians to achievement, greatness and academic excellence. When Steel Talks caught Dr. Dawn Batson for a candid interview about the steelpan art form, her involvement and hopes for the instrument. Michelle toured London and New York with Casablanca and was impressed with the combination of symphony and pan. She became a member of Phase II Pan Groove in 1988 and has played continuously until 2003. At Phase II she held different positions in the band achieving the captaincy in 1998. When asked about her musical preferences she replied, ‘I just love Boogsie’s music, his music is so rhythmic and he allows all the pan instruments to talk to each other through counter melodies, Awesome!’ Michelle has also arranged for the T&EC Power Stars Steel Orchestra, working with the stage side as well as the Panorama band in 1994 and 1995 and stated that her time with them was a valuable experience. She is musically aware and mature in her music and appreciates musical pieces that highlight the ‘conversations’ between the pans.
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Congratulations on your many achievements. Thanks for your contributions to the development of the Steelband Movement. It is greatly appreciated.
I am of the opinion that Trinidad and Tobago should have had an "ALL GIRL" Steel Orchestra with all selected panists retaining their affiliation to their respective Band. The Trinidad and Tobago "ALL GIRL" Steel Orchestra will be a Touring Steelband giving performances in several Countries. I am aware of the "Girl Pat" Steelband of the 1950's with Hazel Henley, the Captain, Pat Maurice, Ellie Robertson, Irma Regis and other young ladies of that era.
.Are we awaiting the formation of the Japanese "ALL GIRL" Steel Orchestra, or the Swiss, or the Swedish "ALL GIRL" Steel Orchestra to be formed ?
Time for PanTrinbago to organise an "ALL GIRL" Touring Steel Orchestra. It will be an excellent Promotional tool for Trinidad and Tobago. Ian Lambie
Blessings you my sister for your accomplishments and keep the flag flying. Congrats
Hi Michelle this year you got nothing less than you deserve your dedication hard work and commitment has finally paid off I have had the pleasure of playing and working with you for many many years and it was indeed a pleasurable experience playing together in 'D PHASE' and working together at Trinity during my four year term as chairman of the P.T.A.. We continue to share ideas and discuss issues when ever we meet. I take this opportunity to wish you and your family all God's richest blessings, and good health so you can continue to provide the music world with inovative, relevant, wothhwhile listening to music
Hey Lennie or more familiarly.....'Stretch'. Your words are indeed heart warming. Thanks for all the support over the years - from our Phase II days to present. I know for sure that indeed I have a friend in music.
Kudos to Mrs. Michelle Huggins-Watts for becoming the first female to be successful at arrangeing any Panorama tune.
She has been knocking on the door, and it finally opened for her. I first gave her a plug in my book for being the first female to captain a large top Steel Orchestra. She is now the 4th female that has arranged a winning tune. For you trivia buffs, can you name the previous three?
Love, Peace and Pan
Much thanks!
Anne it has always been a pleasure interacting with you.....both the fun and professional occasions I cherish. Thanks for supporting me along the way. Love yah!