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Michigan Philharmonic Brings Back Live Music for Historic 76th Season
Plymouth, Michigan, USA - Michigan's premier regional orchestra is returning this fall with a historic season of live performances that begin in October and run through the spring of 2022.
For the Michigan Philharmonic this year will be a "Take2 Celebration," a series of concerts dedicated to the community and honoring its 76th birthday season that includes world premieres, exciting concerts designed for unique instruments like mandolins and steelpans, a holiday performance, concerts at Schoolcraft College and the subtle sounds of a internationally renowned jazz guitarist.
....In February it's time for "All that Jazz: The Roaring Twenties and Beyond" on Feb. 12 at Schoolcraft College's VisTaTech Center.
....A month later watch for the Caribbean-inspired "A Night in Tropics" on March 11 at First Methodist Church in Plymouth and featuring a never-before-spotlighted steelpan soloist Josanne Francis. This is also a "side-by-side" concert with the Michigan Philharmonic Youth Orchestra (MPYO).