Any doubts as to whether the Mighty Sparrow’s signature bravado was still intact were quickly erased on Wednesday evening when he was awarded the country’s highest honour — the Order of T&T. Pretending to be the MC, he introduced himself as “his Excellency the Honourable Dr Slinger Francisco, the serenader supreme, who made the ladies daydream and the young girls scream.”

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  • I'm really tired about questions of Sparrow's authenticity as a Trinidad, since he came there as an infant and his entire growth and cultural influences came from there.

    This is especially true since in my entire life I've met few black Trinidadian whose family didn't originate from one of the other islands, especially Grenada.

    And , as my Grenadian father once asked me after I'd made some comment , " If a cat makes kittens in an oven , is that bread? "

  • Mighty Sparrow - I'm A Slave with Lyrics

  • The people of this Country always seem to suck up to outsiders, and have very shallow memories. That award is to bestowed on Nationals of this country, and this individual once stood on a stage and said to all and sundry, "If you don't like it, you can kiss my Grenadian Ass"...... Congrats your Eggsellensy!!!!!!!!!!!...... 

    Aldwyn Roberts "Lord Kitchener", a true son of the soil and composed every single song that he ever sang,  did the most appropriate thing when he refused on of these "Political" awards.

    • Any citizen of Trinidad and Tobago can be given that national award for service to the country. Sparrow is a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago.

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