Migrant children in Trinidad learn to play steelpan

Miss World Trinidad and Tobago Tya Janè Ramey plays pan with some Venezuelan migrant children of the La Romain Migrant Support Group at the Golden Hands Pan Orchestra yesterday.

(Trinidad Guardian) Flee­ing a coun­try rid­dled with po­lit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic in­sta­bil­i­ty, most Venezue­lan mi­grant chil­dren have had to grow up be­fore their time.

One Non-Gov­ern­men­tal Or­gan­i­sa­tion (NGO), the La Ro­main Mi­grant Sup­port (LARMS), to­geth­er with Miss T&T World Tya Janè Ramey and the Gold­en Hands mu­sic in­sti­tute are try­ing to mit­i­gate the ef­fects of the painful tran­si­tion from Venezuela to T&T and are hop­ing their ef­forts will as­sist in in­te­grat­ing the chil­dren in­to so­ci­ety.

The group have start­ed a pan-train­ing camp for 15 Venezue­lan chil­dren at Gold­en Hands in San Fer­nan­do and Ramey spoke to Guardian Me­dia about the project yes­ter­day.

“This is the first ses­sion of Project Es­per­an­za, where we have in­ter­ac­tion be­tween the chil­dren of the LARMS group and Trinida­di­an chil­dren al­low­ing them to as­sim­i­late and ac­cul­tur­ate in­to T&T,” Ramey said.

“I be­lieve that our cul­ture pro­vides that space to do both—our mu­sic, our pan is beau­ti­ful, our agri­cul­ture and these are some of the ways that we are go­ing to be us­ing to mend and see to­geth­er­ness and uni­ty with mi­grant chil­dren and T&T.”

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  • Thanks to WST for posting and blessings to those who conceived and implemented the idea.

  • Wonderful!!!

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