Minister of Arts, Culture and Community Development Nyan Gadsby-Dolly says T&T is looking to South America as a potential market for steelpan and steelpan services.

Gadsby-Dolly said this during an interview yesterday at her Nicholas Towers office in Port-of-Spain as she distributed cheques to unsponsored steelbands.

The 180 small and conventional bands received cheques valued at $10,000 and $20,000, respectively. The total cost of sponsoring the bands is $2.9 million.

“We are also looking to spread pan to different countries. We have a lot of South American countries indicating interest and we want to be able to get into those markets because they are typically countries with the large orchestras,” Gadsby-Dolly said.

She said one of the ministry’s goals was to get the pan into the orchestras. “If we can do that then we can focus on the business of the instrument itself, being able to market it and all that goes along with it, for example, the tuning and all those things.”

Gadsby-Dolly said monetising Carnival was one of the priorities of the ministry.

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  • “Getting the pan out there is one of our main thrusts.”

    This lady does not have a clue!!! EXPATS are the ones who GET THE PAN OUT THERE.

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