Written by C News

Ministry Clarifies - Lucas Was Not Fired As NCC Chairman

The Ministry of Community Development, Culture and the Arts is dispelling rumours that Colin Lucas was fired as Chairman of the National Carnival Commission.

The Ministry said Mr. Lucas, having been appointed to the position of Chairman in November 2017, acted as Executive Chairman of the NCC for the period December 8th, 2017 to April 20th, 2018 in the absence of a CEO.

It noted that he is an experienced CEO, whose competencies match very closely those critically needed at the NCC at this time.

The Ministry said consideration is being given to his appointment as interim CEO of the organisation, until this position can be filled.

This necessitated his resignation from the position of Chairman on April 20th, 2018 which was then filled by Winston 'Gypsy' Peters.

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  • Carnival Is Bacchanal / Ken Harewood / Len "Boogsie" Sharpe & Alvin Daniell(1978)

    Published on Dec 3, 2015

    Ken Harewood sings "Carnival Is Bacchanal", Phase II placed 3rd at the 1978 Panorama Finals, with this selection.

    Carnival Is Bacchanal / Phase II Pan Groove / Panorama 1978 (Audio)

    Phase II Pan Groove plays "Carnival Is Bacchanal", composed and arranged by Lennox 'Boogsie' Sharpe. Phase II placed third at the 1978 Panorama Finals (behind Starlift and Desperadoes) with this selection and arrangement.


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