Time to put PRIDE (FALSE PRIDE) aside and bring people in from THE OUTSIDE who could TAKE THE MOVEMENT FORWARD.
And, of course, the MINISTER OF CULTURE should be REPLACED!!!
This one for the "Ball heads":
Reality really hit me last night. This is Lebron James' world; we just living in it. I am not a Lebron fan but reality bites. Hell yes!
Houston who? Golden State who?
But I will always maintain that LeBron is THE BEST EVER!!!
This is the wisest statement you have ever made on this forum.
Russell Providence: Which one ah these you is?
See if yuh qualify:
d. A team willing to volunteer their expertise/advice to the executive would be created. E.g. (business men, lawyers, economists, educators, politicians etc.)
This is supposed to be a BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY and they want men to volunteer their expertise/advice.
The executive cannot even READ and COMPREHEND their OWN CONSTITUTION but they are going to sit and evaluate advice given from COMPLEX MINDS?
Lord have mercy!!! Ah have meh own problems. Ah went to the STARBUCKS this morning and is only MEXICANS BEHIND THE COUNTER!!! So meh head TOO HOT to take on this PAN TRINBAGO INANITY!!!
"Complex minds" who would have thunk?
Posted May 13,2017
If we can find a-z+ problems in Pan Trinbago, we can find a-z+ solutions
Concerned Individuals for Pan has a document which proposes 68 suggestions on improving the system which Pan Trinbago operates under. These suggestions are categorised by topic such as STRUCTURE, POLICIES, BUSINESS, INTRENATIONAL TRADE, EDUCATION, PANYARD DEVELOPMENT and EVENTS. We would like your input. Be sure to make suggestions and offer constructive criticisms.
This is an extract of the document.
Structure of Organization:-
a. Separation of responsibilities. Executives must not hold administrative positions. E.g.
No more President /C.E.O.
No more Secretary / Office Manager etc.
No more Vice President / Events Manager etc.
b. Administrative arm (C.E.O, Officer Manager, Events Manager etc.) must have qualifications /experience and will be on short-term contracts. These contracts would only be renewed on a result-based assessment.
c. The executive would act only as the Board of Directors, charting the way forward with futuristic planning. The execution of these plans would be the responsibility of the C.E.O. and his team.
d. A team willing to volunteer their expertise/advice to the executive would be created. E.g. (business men, lawyers, economists, educators, politicians etc.)
e. Constitutional reform.
f. Recognize the pan players and represent their needs as an item in the constitution or by-laws.
Document of Concerned Individuals for Pan
Suggestion to improve the document would be accepted, deliberated and possibly incorporated.
Be apart of the solution not the problem.
Married to the Mob | Real Time with Bill Maher
Steelband Wars
Mob culture and Bad John culture looks the same to me...who's following the MONEY???
We don't necessarily need a "businessmen " , but people with integrity , intelligence , knowledge of steelband culture , and above all , vision.
For many years they have been clamoring for a "businessman" to lead the US as president.
See what that got us ?
An idiot ( or dotard , according to Kim ) named Donald Trump