- The International Panorama showed that the Small Band Panorama & Single Pan Panorama should be moved and held every year in August. And the medium and large bands should be allowed to down size and also participate in that competition to guarantee star attraction and public interest. When is the last time a small band ever played to packed Grand Stand like we saw at the International Panorama?
- The International Panorama competition should be held the week after the Grenada Panorama to give both Grenada and Antigua a chance to participate in the event. They were sorely missed. Their presence would have really validated this Panorama.
- Pan don't need no Greens or Dias Swimming Pool.
- WACKfm broadcasters are not ready for an international broadcast.
- Bands should not be allowed to use past winning Panorama arrangements that are not their own.
- There is nothing like the sound and presence of a large band. They are sacred. Trinidad and Tobago must never give that up. With the Small Bands and Single Pan Band out of the Carnival Panorama scene the large bands will flourish again.
- Put more emphasis on the Small Band going to road for carnival.
- Supernovas is serious. If the rumors are true that they will now move the large band category - watch out. They will be a force to recon with. The Big Five is about to become the Big Six.
- The International Panorama should be held only every four years. The foreign bands need time to raise funds to make the trip.
Let us be realistic guys.As much as we all would love to see steelband back in carnival on the road .We have to accept the fact that big money has hijacked our culture.Look at the chaos with the big carnival bands on the road.We now have Soca Dome @ the stadium.The Ave is a mess with routing of bands etc.
Also only a few steelbands really play mas.Thereis no investment there for the NCC.Its money first and the culture after.Listen to the coverage by WACK.IT was an international shame .Those announcers were so incompetent.They could not even give a proper profile of the foreign bands.
When you have a competition of this magnitude you must do research.
they did not even know that the week before the panorama here in Trini.Pan Fantasy was the winner of the panorama panlive competition in Toronto.They have won four straight years.Salah a past winner of the same competition though they from Montreal came in third.They did not know that BSO was a merger of five top bands in Brooklyn.I could go on an on.Their ineptitude as to how globally pan pan progressed was stunning.
BSO was not a merger of bands. I thought it was a collection of the best or some of the best players from other bands
Stanley: I know that "STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON" was released THIS WEEKEND. But, man, you are just KEEPING IT TOO REAL!!!
I like the idea of reserving Panorama at carnival time for large bands only.
Small and medium bands should be highly rewarded for playing on pan-only designated streets on Monday and Tuesday.
I think 4 years is a bit much - maybe every 2 years. Encourage more than a single entrant from foreign countries.
If we adhere to standardized pan templates then the foreign bands would not have the problem using a local bass or chello pan. They should easily transition to using any instrument.
Remember a violin used/bought in Italy could be picked up by a Trini violinist and played without an issue. This must be the same for any Pan.
Good observation lala.
wish pantrinbago could take these suggestions into consideration.
Excellent suggestions, fellars.
There will never be a packed Grand Stand for Small & Single pan panorama. Greens & swimming pools do not affect panorama. WACKfm is a private entity.
Even the past winning panorama arrangement wasn't sufficient to 'win' the ICP.
Who do you think will "play" in the Small band?
Supernovas is very, very serious.
ICP should be held every four years.