Trinidad Guardian March 1st, 2019

"I have not had any com­plaints from any band. What I do know, it is go­ing to be a show out of this world based on the re­quests of steel­bands ask­ing for the var­i­ous dy­nam­ics," said Moore who ex­plained that many bands were ask­ing about the use of py­rotech­nics and oth­er stage props for the event.

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  • Speaking of PROPS!!! I would like to see DESPERADOES put about 12 iron men to sit down in front of the band and when the band get about half-way into the tune -- the IRON MEN all JUMP UP and JAM SOME HARD IRON in UNISON WITH THE BAND (a lil 90-second jam and then they sit back down) -- real carnival bacchanal not trying to sound as if you are playing a CALYPSO in EUROPEAN FASHION. (Because don't forget that CALYPSO and STEELBAND is the CULTURE OF TRINIDAD!!!)

    And of course WE VAMPING OUT for the last TWO MINUTES and bringing down the house with them IRON MEN back in the ACTION AGAIN -- and nothing but CHAOS on the stage.

    What a sight TO IMAGINE!!! And me eh know DESPERADOES fan, eh. But THAT SONG should be a PANORAMA WINNER!!!

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