Sounds like ah man who have his situation under control...
Ever heard the one where the snake asked the guy to help him cross the river, the guy looked at the snake and said, "I'm afraid you'll bite me." The snake looked at him and PROMISED he will not bite him. After taking the snake across the river, he got bitten by the snake. The guy looked at the snake and said "yuh PROMISED you won't bite meh." The snake then said "yuh know what I was when yuh picked meh up."
what dey go be doing dey ?
Sounds like ah man who have his situation under control...
Ever heard the one where the snake asked the guy to help him cross the river, the guy looked at the snake and said, "I'm afraid you'll bite me." The snake looked at him and PROMISED he will not bite him. After taking the snake across the river, he got bitten by the snake. The guy looked at the snake and said "yuh PROMISED you won't bite meh." The snake then said "yuh know what I was when yuh picked meh up."
An Orchid for Milady
Mighty Shadow - Yuh Lookin Fuh Horn