
  • Some people say "Out of pain, this culture was born", and I say "Out of the culture, the pain persists".
    Fix what???Eh??
  • The WIADCA committee have been following the pattern of T&T Carnival for years and we all know that Carnival Saturday is strictly for Panorama . Unfortunately due to the abnormally bad weather conditions which we all knew days in advance this kaotic situation arrived . Mother Nature caused the cancellation and maybe it is time to find a bigger covered venue for all events . With the advance in technical and after all this is NY and not T&T we shouldn't be having these kinds of problems. But it seems to me that Trinbagonian and Caribbean people on the whole migrated with some of the same old habits . It is time to bring in some thinking minds because after all it is al about money and the revenue is more than any other Festival held in NY .
  • Curtis Lynch...You asked the question...Where do we go from here? Let the truth be told,answer =..right back to W.I.A.D.C.A.for a 2018 panorama! W.I.A.D.C.A.= W.orst I.ndividuals A.round D.edicated C.ultural A.rtistes! The Pan Body needs to do it for themselves and go around that group!

  • All of a sudden everyone wanna be woke about #WIADCA... Whole summer already gone! We were supposed to see these signs years ago. If we really love pan, then we'd remember these raw emotions throughout the year. It's not "For the love of pan" when the only time we seem to care about whats going on with the bands or the community is during Panorama season. We have so much more to be upset about than just a wasted summer. If we want to see another panorama in NY, then WIADCA cannot be apart of it. Steelband/ Community leaders. Get your shit together. It's now or never!

    • Totally agree with Jahlani...

  • Panorama, wait.....i mean The "Pan Jamboree" was a flop, J'ouvert (from what I'm hearing) was a flop, and everybody going to jump up on the parkway, still spending their money, supporting these events that blantanly don't cater to the participants and...........Streupsssssssssssssssssssss  but yet I can't help but love my Caribbean people because De City, could shut down, They JAMMING STILL. lawd fadda help them.

  • Widca just showed they call the shoots and pan people will follow. Big weekend like this and mean to tell me judges was here just for Saturday and gone by sunday!

  • You all have from today  to about next July to fix most of what's wrong, can we count on you?

    • We cyar fix T&T and we trying tuh fix New York. Man, de ting done cook, it dry out and now it bun. IT DONE BUN. To fix that they have to get away from the parent body. Leff dem and do like the "Big Five". It is cursed. I'm convinced.
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