A very special Mother's day greeting to my dear Mom who is now 95yrs. I pray that the Almighty Father continues to shower his mercy and blessings on her until he calls her back.My Mom raised her four boys ( Ken, Don, Patrick, Salah) of which I am the youngest. I call my Mom everyday. A very special Mother's day greeting to my dear wife Adiylah who raised our six children (4 girls Rachel, Miriyam, Fatima , Zaynab and 2 boys Walid, Ish) and continues to raise her grand children. A very special Mothers day greeting to three of my daughters who are mothers Rachel, (two children Rashiyd, Lailaah), Miriyam ( one child Sadiqa) Fatima ( two children Nayeem, Zain) A very special Mother's day greeting to my daughter in Law Marie-Hél ene ( two children Zahra, Karim) A very special Mother`s day to all my relatives who are mothers. A very special Mother's day to all my friends who are mothers A very special Mother's day to all mothers every where EVERY DAY IS " MOTHER'S DAY
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Happy Mother's Day to all WST Mothers and to all the Mother's in Salah Family, and especially Salah Mother who is 95 yrs old, she is Blessed, Good Lord see that she sees many more, (Longevity in your Family, I like that)
Greetings! .enjoy the celebrations
Mothers Day greetings to all WST mothers.