Trinidad and Tobago Newsday
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Patrons at Saturday night’s launch of Panorama 2014 at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port-of- Spain, were taken on a nostalgic journey to the days when pan and brass dominated fetes and other social events.
That the performances of the steel bands and artistes at the show reflected those years was no fluke, said Pan Trinbago President Keith Diaz.
....“We want to bring back pan in fete,” he said, adding that the performances of the various steelbands and artistes mirrored Pan Trinbago’s vision.
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Related follow-up piece: Promoters: Yes to steel, brass....but
Andre, thanks...same here, bro. Again, THANK YOU for your unconditional support. It will be a pleasure to meet someone who walk the hallowed Trinity College halls, as I did. ☺ On a different note, I know how busy Salmon Cupid must be, and I am not sure if he has been on WST lately, but can you ask him to consider being one of the panelists at the town hall meeting. Dr. Copeland will also be there, and we do not want to discuss their differences. We need their ideas, as far as technology is concerned, particularly as they apply to MIDI applications. We can also debate the different sides of the issue of including eletronic instruments in the steelbands, when they are competing in Panorama, and when they parade on the streets on Carnival Monday and Tuesday. We need, again, to find that PERFECT balance between tradition and technology, so that one does not infringe on the space of the other. Hotep, bruh. lol.
Well said , but why there is an absent of at lease four (4) steel bands at on D Greens.
Thanks, Curtis. Like I said, I likened "D Greens" to the "prostitution of pan". I wasn't trying to be disrespectful, but I attempted to draw a parallel between parents who are in bad need of money. Certainly, no loving parent, will allow anyone to have their way with their son or daughter, simply because the needed income. There must be some moral line, that we are not willing to cross, when it comes to how we acquire revenue. As I proposed, that location should be set up where every steelband in Trinidad and Tobago has a booth, where they can use their imaginations, as to how they generate income for their individual steelbands. For example, one band may choose to have plays, where the band members are the actors, and they could tell the story of steelbands. Another band, may choose to have live entertainment that is pan related, like a four-piece combo. You get the idea. That way every band will be a part of Panorama, and get a chance to earn revenue, even if they don't get past the prelims. How could one justify hiring and paying hundreds of thousands of tax-payers dollars to Lambert and FCL to allow Trini spoil brats, who do not care whether Panorama was going on or not, to fete on top of our steelband culture?. I bet if you remove Panorama (and steelbands), those "brats" (who doh love pan) will still show up en masse on "D Greens".
"*ADDENDUM 1: The government should include a No Steelband Tax Penalty, for any Carnival event where at least one steelband is not a part of the music entertainment. The monies gathered from that penalty, should be used to fund steelband projects.
*ADDENDUM 2: Likewise, any event promoter(s) that hire(s) a steelband outside the Carnival"
Steel Pan Blueprint for Success
An authentic leader does not care about fame and notoriety for his or her great ideas; as long as they are implemented. I have to give President Diaz credit for at least "saying what they would like to do..." Cecil you are correct...two entirely different things! This reverts beck to the reason that I do not like the "Act of Parliament" business model adopted by Pan Trinbago. It becomes a classic case of the chickens going to the fox, asking for eggs. The steelbands association MUST be independent AND separate from the government. In that way, if the government does not live up to our expectations, then WE, as a "unified" body of producers (pan players, if you like), can use our political value as registered voters. We must understand the power of our vote, as panmen and panwomen, and we MUST be willing to leverage our political worth. The union model, is the ONLY way that the producer will be able to have his or her rights protected and, if necessary, defended and politically leveraged. We need lobbyists; to take our plight to the government.
This is what musicians who are members of the American Federation of Musicians (AFM) have, and the AFM is not some statutory arm of the government. We should not be affiliated with party; let party seek us, as it was in the old days. As powerful and as brilliant as Dr. Eric Williams was, he eventually grew to become more weary of George "Sonny" Goddard's (and the association he led) political power. And so, an NJAC meeting at the "University of Woodford Square", would become an historic moment in "pan politics".
Finally, the "bad john ting" is not going to solve, but further augment the problems plaguing the steelbands of Trinidad and Tobago. I am reminded of the principles of Her-Em-Aket (Sphinx); that we hold our "intellect" over our "animal instincts". President Obama had to face a racist and dangerous opposition, fueled by Rush Limbaugh and the Tea Party, yet he maintained his professionalism, decency, and grace throughout his political career. The leadership of any body that represents the steelbands of Trinidad and Tobago must RISE above their barbaric instincts, regardless of what was said by whom. We live in an age, where EVERY word and action, is instantly broadcast worldwide on the internet via I-Phones, I-Pads, and Androids. Hopefully, Pan Trinbago is represented at the town hall meeting, and we give our guarantee that there will be no bashing nor tongue-lashing at this event in my dad's honor. We are in a new Gregorian year, and we need to use this opportunity to bury old axes, and rebuild relationships with those who are genuine in their commitment to "move pan forward". As always, Shem Em Hotep (May you go in peace).
Ghost. Same philosophy; different attitude.
Saying what they would like to do and doing it are two different things. Lets hope it starts with the "GREENS"
The show was poorly advertised and fairly attended.....