Mr Keith Diaz you can be the one to let the steelbands in the city roll down the drag for panorama preliminaries, this can go a long way in rejuvenating the excitement the steelband brings especially for the young people who never experience this.
I'm giving you an opportunity to kill all the bad press you and your members have been getting of will also help with your legacy.
DO THIS FOR THE STEELBANDS. There is not much to loose and the gains could be endless .
The Steelband in the Mecca has no where to go unless they reconnect with the public, this idea I proposed would accomplish this and establish the Steelband as a player in carnival.
It will expose the young players as to what it takes to play on the road, they will also experience the magic of the Steelband, something I'm afraid that only happens when the pans are on the ground and everybody is one. Something that's missing today.
CH, first things first, # 1. No per-recorded excessively loud music, or D.J's on moving trucks, should be allowed on the bands and mas route on carnival day, only live music, 2, No vehicle should be allowed on the bands and mas route, that's Y the routs were created, and barricades were placed to divert traffic away from these routes, 3. carnival is a live spiritual inner enjoyment of "FREE WILL"occurring in time of carnival, and it should not be tolerated, especially by vehicles in it's path, these things IS destroying the carnival as a whole...
This has been the best idea to move the steelband forward is the last 30 years, but it appears that it will interfere with how a few men make their money, so the Steelband will remain like a broken toy in the toy box.
CH, anything that involves DIAZ and his cronies, is NOT, in the BEST INTEREST OF THE STEEL BAND IN T&T, when this man was managing "STAR LIFT" he sold Star Lift pans to a woman we all know in Miami Florida, 5 tenors, 4 pairs of d seconds, d tenors, d guitars cellos , basses, etc etc etc, he also sold a friend of mines 2 left side d seconds, where I had to alter a left side to a right side, anything that involves, DIAZ IS A NO NO...
BE IT ENACTED by the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago as follows
1. This Act may be cited as the Pan Trinbago (Incorporation) Act? 1986.
2. Pan Trinbago is hereby created a body corporate and has a common seal.
3. The aims and objects of Pan Trinbago are as follows:
(a) to promote the development of the steel band movement;
(b) to promote the steel pan as an indigenous cultural art form;
(c) to purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire lands, buildings, easements or property real and personal which may be requisite for the purpose of or capable of being conveniently used in connection with any of the objects of Pan Trinbago;
(d) to present, manage, conduct, arrange and organize concerts, competitions, festivals of music and tours and to offer, grant or contribute towards the provision
of prizes, awards and distinctions;
{e) to subscribe to, become a member of and to affiliate or co-operate with any other association, incorporated or not, whose objects are altogether or in part similar to those of Pan Trinbago;
(f) to advance and protect the welfare and interest of members of steelbands;
(g) to encourage and to conduct research programs on the steelpan;
(h) to do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
Keith Diaz is still in charge of Pan Trinbago as far as I know, so if he says we going down the Drag I guess we going down the Drag.
Mr Diaz is still in charge of the Ruling Governing Body of Pan, I'm aware that a lot of people would like to see him in jail but he is not and have the ability to change the way the game is played.
My only concern is the Steelband in the Mecca and my suggestion is almost cost free and would have a positive impact. Mr Diaz has little to loose and a lot to gain.
Here’s a quote from KD… Keith Diaz, Pan Trinbago president reiterates, “Pan Trinbago is not the Pan Trinbago of yesteryear. We are now a business-driven enterprise.”
What is required for PT or any other group to come up with a proper business plan to make this work???
Does the leadership team at PT have the business intelligence to come up with the best ideas to fixing these problems???
The following was found in the public domain...
Audience Profile
1. Panorama Semifinals is one of the most patronized traditional events and fills three
separate audience spaces to capacity: the track, the stage with its two stands and the greens.
2. The demographic varies from each space:
a. The Track: Pan aficionados, band supporters, friends and family
b. The Stage
i. North Stand: Pan Fans who want to party all the time
ii. The Grand Stand: Those with greatest interest in music appreciation and judging the competition for themselves; they comprising an aging population, many of whom are now middle aged and retirees.
c. The Greens: Those who normally flock to the fetes, the youthful party goer, many of whom have ties to corporate Trinidad and Tobago. Many are in the prime of their lives and in their 20s-30s.
Fixing Panorama...pan movement must embrace modernisation
Panorama satisfies an ageing demographic, which cannot sustain it as a popular music and it continues because the state seeks to maintain support, financially and otherwise for a “national” culture. Panorama continues because its owner, Pan Trinbago, has made it the acme of the instrument and the industry.
Nestor Sullivan, who has been involved in pan for many years, suggests, “Panorama seems to be the ‘definition of steelpan’ but as a catalyst for annual music practicing and development, it is not doing that.”
Johnson meanwhile believes that, “steelband is modern instrument that preserves the ancient idea that music is participation.”
These two ideas suggest that the annual rite of passage that is Panorama may be in need of fixing, but it can only be fixed when the steelband movement and the society at large recognizes that this requires a drastic paradigm change.
“Panorama was the PNM government of the 1960s taking control of the steelband movement, what they saw as national culture. The strategy included making it more lucrative to play in Panorama because of prize money and appearance fees than to play in parties and fêtes.”
“PNM had no organised masses like a union, so panmen represented a structured link to the voting masses,” said Johnson.
PAN TRINBAGO is a political arm of the PNM. And this is why, today, DOCTOR DOLLY is stuck in the middle and finds herself helpless. It is also the reason that the UPPM/CIP are helpless to take drastic action against PAN TRINBAGO. How many times in the last year have I said that the whole battle between Byron Serrette and Keith Diaz and Gegory Lindsay and Aquil Arrindell and Doctor Dolly is an INTRA-PNM political struggle.
How is drastic change going to come under this political umbrella? It's politics FIRST and PAN SECOND!!!
All the talk about "CHANGE" is NONSENSE because the STEELBAND is BOXED into the POLITICS!!!
When is this forum going to realize that the only PLAN FOR PAN that KEITH DIAZ has is to STEAL MONEY. He is a great politician so he knows how to say the right things to fool people. But his ONLY PLAN FOR PAN is to STEAL MONEY.
So all this sudden appeal Cecil making to THIS MAN is just FRUSTRATION over-riding reality!!!
Cecil: If yuh begging KEITH DIAZ for help you must be on the verge of giving up all hope. America is now the MECCA OF STEELBAND and who cannot see that with the expanding school participation and the PAN FESTIVALS and the year round concerts and the rising PAN STARS and the broadly qualified music instructors and the access to the recording studios and the WHEN STEEL TALKS as the dominant GLOBAL MEDIA TOWER FOR PAN and the thousands of TRINI PAN MEN hustling their little birthday party and barbeque gigs all across the country and the organized growth and development of the movement coast to coast -- then they are culturally blind and also cannot see that pretty soon there will be a TACO TRUCK on every street corner in every major city in America.