Its funny how evry1 and their mother has something 2 say about the split of the pan association, adding their "OPINIONS" on the situation over he said she said or picking sides because u dont like some1...
1. If u knu ur history then u would kno who RAN the association before Ike...keith.
2. who walked away from their seat as chairman and left the association in turmoil and chaos without as much as a resignation or a goodbye...keith.
3. Who left the association broke! with no where 2 turn and no where 2 go....keith
4. who made an effort to restructure the association from the ground up... IKE
5. who made a successful effort to give USSA a proper name... IKE
6. who fought the battles that keith walked away from... IKE
now tell me.. where was every1 when all this took where... i am speaking from experience and attendance. However, every1 has their own lil inputs and crap 2 say, ready 2 buff ppl down and u dont know the whole story. check ur history before u have something 2 say!!!!
Y is it that all of a sudden when money is concerned, keith along with other band members who were not present at meetings over the past 3-4 years are currently ACTIVE n CONCERNED????
Y is it that all of a sudden Ike is the bad man, yet nobody had anything BAD 2 say about him years ago when the associtaion was getting back on its feet???
If Ike is such a "crook" as ppl say, y are there over 14 bands under NAS including bands from diff states and countries and a mere 8 under ussa????
what does that tell u?
~all i have 2 say is "GO NAS" and i wish u the best of luck and success for years 2 come. Congratulations on a healthy formation and i support u 100%. being apart of the pan world 4 so long i kno that thru Ike this associatin WILL stand strong and prosper~
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Star Jones, you sound like you are suffering from the battered wife syndrome.
Actually, it is you who is re-writing history. Ike lead the big bands back to slavery and did absolutely nothing for the non-panorama bands. According the Utopia document posted earlier explaining their position, it said that Ike quit. How do you quit one organization and run to lead another one? Sounds like Ike started a coup to me.
It never seizes to amaze me the depth and passion people being to the table to defend petty dictators, under accomplishing bums and crooks. With billions of people on the planet, Star Jones, surely you could find someone more qualified to lead you.
Raise your expectations. Tell Ike and Tom to step down and let someone else lead the new organization. You will end up in an orange jumper suit if you follow them.
first off i dont think u have a phd so theres no need 4 u 2 diagnose me with any kind of "syndrome."
secondly it seems as if u r gettin ur info second hand. i dont believe u r in any position 2 judge anybody or anybodies beliefs if ur just an outsider lookin in on the situation....... have u urself been in or witnessed any of these "accusations" u recently stated?
Actually, it is you who is re-writing history. Ike lead the big bands back to slavery and did absolutely nothing for the non-panorama bands. According the Utopia document posted earlier explaining their position, it said that Ike quit. How do you quit one organization and run to lead another one? Sounds like Ike started a coup to me.
It never seizes to amaze me the depth and passion people being to the table to defend petty dictators, under accomplishing bums and crooks. With billions of people on the planet, Star Jones, surely you could find someone more qualified to lead you.
Raise your expectations. Tell Ike and Tom to step down and let someone else lead the new organization. You will end up in an orange jumper suit if you follow them.
secondly it seems as if u r gettin ur info second hand. i dont believe u r in any position 2 judge anybody or anybodies beliefs if ur just an outsider lookin in on the situation....... have u urself been in or witnessed any of these "accusations" u recently stated?