Once again, Pan Trinbago is inviting steelpan aficionados to relive the blink/bmobile National Panorama Finals 2011 through the DVD and CD productions.


Two disc sets featuring the Medium and Large Conventional Bands in the case of the DVDS while the CDs are also double discs of the Medium and Large Bands finalists recorded “live” at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain.


Twenty (20) tracks of “jam in de rama” at “showtime’ is captured as band meets band for a riveting musical clash of the top steel orchestras in Trinidad & Tobago at the mecca of pan on Carnival Saturday.


The resulting compilation is the DVD album recorded by Advance Dynamics, Woodbrook, with the CD edition recorded, mixed and mastered by Yoichi Watanabe and Kats Imai of the UTT Academy for the Performing Arts/Music Technology


Feel the rhythm and enjoy the arrangements of musical maestros from the ultimate 20th century invention… the steelpan… even as Panorama celebrates its 75th year as well as 60 years since TASPO made its international debut at the Festival of Arts in Britain.


In celebration of this journey, the Panorama 2011 two disc CD and DVD pay homage to the top steel orchestras. In addition, the DVD edition contains special features and interviews with the personalities who contribute to the driving these bands to the top.


Both products are on sale at major record stores – Cleve’s, Crosby’s, Kam’s, Rhyner’s at the Airport, WACK 90.1fm in San Fernando and at Pan Trinbago Head Office, Park Street.


Another must have DVD and CD for the steelpan collectors.


From the news desk of Pan Trinbago

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  • Where can one get the cd/dvd of the single pan and small bands finals
  • Its great that you have it on DVD and CD   But we never got got to see or hear it live and that was not right!!!!


  • I find it a bit outrageous that one has to spend $350TT to get the full panorama on CD - the large bands and medium bands are on two separate two-disc sets. I remember one of the reasons Pan Trinbago originally reduced the number of finalists and playing time to 8 and 8 minutes respectively, was to fit each category on a single disc. Then, large and medium combined were a $150 2-disc set. The way it is now is simply bloated. Same case with the DVD; one has to purchase a separate DVD for large and medium. I passed these up on my way thru Piarco today, sad to say.
  • This is also available from fellow pannists through The Steelpan Store (100% owned and operated by pannists).  Check out steelpanstore.com for more information, or e-mail info@steelpanstore.com.
  • I am looking forward to this DVD, but I hope someday there will be a 

    dvd for the Junior panorama, and the small band. 

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